So it's 7:20 am, and I am starting my 'thon! I know I'm like 20 minutes late but believe me I'm gonna need those 20 minutes! Anyways, YAY!
Introductory Questions:
1)Where are you reading from today?
Anniston, AL, or more specifically from my desk but I will most likely switch to my comfy chair in just a bit. 2)Three random facts about me…
I work at home full time, I'm definitely a hoarder of books, and I love anything and everything about Mr. Nathan Fillion. :) Maybe I'll bless you all with a picture sometime! 3)How many books do you have in your TBR pile for the next 24 hours?
Too many to count, so I won't! My plan is to just read, read, read, and oh yeah....read.4)Do you have any goals for the read-a-thon (i.e. number of books, number of pages, number of hours, or number of comments on blogs)?
I would like to finish three books from the begining. I have a few I need to finish, plus I am plegding money to the Kid's Need To Read foundation so that's motivation right there! 5)If you’re a veteran read-a-thoner, any advice for people doing this for the first time?
Get up and move, at least once an hour! It will really help your energy levels stay up! Drink plenty of water, and just relax and have fun! Stats:
Starting Hour 1-7:30am
1st book: Kat, Incorrigible
Starting pg: 113
Food: Coffee, Water, BREAKFAST!
Ending Time: 8:00 am (30 minutes read)
Pages read: ( ended 143)-30 pages
Notes: I had to get the morning stuff done for my kidlet. He needed hugs and kisses, and food of course! So definitely not the most reading productive hour, but gotta love the huggles! :)
Hour 2 -8:00am
1st book (still): Kat, Incorrigible
Starting pg: 143
Food: coffee, water
Ending Time: 9:00am
Pages read: (ended 217) 74
Notes: Kat is such a fun book!
Hour 3: 9:00 am
1st book (still): Kat, Incorrigible*Finished*
Starting pg: 217
Food: diet dr. pepper
Ending Time: 10am
Pages read: 78
Notes: Finished Kat, now onto The Dead-tossed Waves by Carrie Ryan!
Hour 4: 10:00 am
2nd book: The Dead-Tossed Waves by Carrie Ryan
Starting pg: 1
Food: none
Ending Time: 11am
Pages read: 43
Notes: Next hour I'm taking a break to hang out with the kiddo! I'll be back at noon to continue reading!
Hour 5: 11am-12noon
Hour 6: 12-1pm
2nd book: The Dead-Tossed Waves by Carrie Ryan
Starting pg: 43
Food: Humus dip with pita bread/diet dr. pepper
Ending Time: 1pm
Pages read: (ended pg. 78) 35
Notes: TDTW is so awesome but my little man has been pretty antsy wanting to play and talk. I can't say no to his cute-ness so yeah...distractions ahoy!
Hour 7: 1-2pm
2nd book: The Dead-Tossed Waves by Carrie Ryan
Starting pg: 78
Food: water
Ending Time: 2pm
Pages read: (ending page 139) 61
Notes: Soooo good! I'm loving this book so much! I can't wait to review it!
Hour 8: 2-3pm
2nd book: The Dead-Tossed Waves by Carrie Ryan
Starting pg: 140
Food: water
Ending Time: 3pm
Pages read: (ending at 205) 65
Notes: feeling very tired...might need to ingest some sugar and caffeine soon! lol
Hour 9: 3-4pm
2nd book: The Dead-Tossed Waves by Carrie Ryan
Starting pg: 205
Food: humus and chips and diet. dr. pepper
Ending Time: 4pm
Pages read: 26
Notes: I spent a good deal of time working on my posts for my stint as a co-host. I didn't read much this hour.
Hour 10: 4-5pm
Notes: Didn't read much. I was organizing my posts for co-hosting.
Hour 11: 5-6pm
2nd book: The Dead-Tossed Waves by Carrie Ryan
Starting pg: 231
Food: water
Ending Time: 6pm
Pages read: (ending 243) 12
Note: Spent a good chunk of this hour again working on my posts for my co-hosting duties!
Hour 12: 6-7pm
2nd book: The Dead-Tossed Waves by Carrie Ryan
Starting pg: 243
Food: chicken nuggets and fries....super healthy *eye rolls*
Ending Time: 6:55pm
Pages read: (ending 252) 9 whole wussy pages...
Note: Starting my co-hosting duties now...will try to read if I can, but I doubt it! I'll be back around 11pm (ish)
Hour 17: 11-12am
2nd book: The Dead-Tossed Waves by Carrie Ryan
Starting pg: 243
Food: coffee
Ending Time: 12am
Pages read: (ending) 258) 15 pages
Note: I don't expect to read a bunch this hour..my cohosting duties were fun but a bit tiring so I'll be up and down trying to get the blood back into my legs! I'll do my best this hour though! :)
Hour 18:
Guys I'm zonked. I can't stay up anymore. Everything looks fuzzy and I've read the same sentence about three times. I'm not a young whipper snapper anymore!
Have fun! I will do my totals tomorrow! I had such a great time co-hosting and would definitely do it again!
Bye and keep on reading! :)