Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Status Update
Well kiddos, I have had two major set backs in my blogging time. First...our ac unit..the MAIN one broke. The repair guy says it sounds like the motor. It will take a few days plus the weekend (and Labor Day) to get it here. So til then I am hot. Not the good kind of hot that every woman strives for, but sweaty in places that shouldn't be sweaty, wanting to sit in a cold bath, and putting ice down your shirt/pants, kind of hot. We have fans, but those of you that are familiar with "Southern Heat" knows that a fan just circulates the hot. So I have been less inclined to do much of anything really.
So then there is the computer issue. Our older one (bless her heart she lasted almost 7 years!) finally quit us, leaving us in the lurch. I work online and since it was in between paydays we were forced to rent one. We finally scraped together enough cash to get a HP and were all happy and content, until that one started to overheat......Yup. Our new new computer went toe up too. So we had to take it back. We got another new one..that was a little cheaper and invested in a new power supply thingy. (My husband is the techie here not me, obviously!) So...that should settle us.
So here I be, sweltering until the repair guy comes. Trying to get some files transferred to the new computer, before we have to give the rented computer back and trying to maintain some cleaning and order when all I want to do is collapse and sleep until Winter!
Monday, August 29, 2011
It's Monday! What Am I Reading?
I have quite a bit of reviews to write, so I'm going ot take it lightly this week. I have two full length novels and a short story on the menu! I think even I can handle that!
To Read:
- The Mark of Perillius: Sinexia, Book One-Atonus L. Perry
- Love Lies Bleeding-Jess Mcconkey(ARC)
- Mile 81-Stephen King (ebook)
To Review:
- The Body Finder
- Unwind
- Ready Player One
- Hold Me Closer, Necromancer
- Witches of East End
- Centuries of June
- Devil's Kiss
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Bout of Books Challenge: Pick it Up, Pile it Up Challenge
This is just a small portion of my TBR stack! I have more of them in my kitchen, my bedroom, and yes even my bathroom lol. I need help!
Actin' Up with Books is hosting this challenge!
Actin' Up with Books is hosting this challenge!
Blog Tour: A Soul Less Broken
About the Book:
After being brutally attacked, Catherine Wilcox must discover her own inner strength and courage as she struggles to piece her life back together. She finds herself falling in love with the emergency room physician who treats her, but soon realizes the attack has left her so emotionally scarred that she must turn away the only man who truly loves her. And at a time when she feels her life is finally beginning to heal, Catherine must then face the devastation of learning that her dearest friend has terminal cancer. In A Soul Less Broken we follow Catherine as she discovers the depth of true friendship, the healing power of love, and the stamina of the human spirit.
About the Author:
After majoring in psychology in college, Helen Laibach realized that her aspirations to be a marriage, child, and family counselor did not suit her temperament–so she began a family and chose a more satisfying career as an executive assistant. An avid reader and talented nature photographer, Laibach lives in Southern California with her husband of twenty years and their youngest daughter. A SOUL LESS BROKEN is her first book; 10% of the profits from the sale of the book will be donated to charities related to violence against women and to brain cancer research and treatment.
You can visit her website at
My Review:
This book starts off rather brutally. You get introduced to the main character and then she gets attacked..It happens so fast, as in real life, that you don't really know how to react. You are stunned. You are sickened, and you are scared for her. This part was incredibly well done! I felt rage for what had happened to Catherine. I wanted to help her and protect her. The first few pages of the book are awesome...After that is said, I will say that I was left feeling a bit flat with the rest of it. The relationship felt a bit rushed and unrealistic. I wasn't feeling the same emotional connection that I felt with Catherine as I did in the beginning. Instead of being there with her, I started to feel more like I was watching things happen. A back seat reader, I guess would be the better way to say it. This was a drastic change from the way I felt in the beginning on the book. The book is rather short so there wasn't any real chance to regain that feeling, at least for me.
I have to commend Helen Laibach, for tackling such a weighty subject as this. It's a delicate matter and I'm glad that she is using proceeds from this book to aid in abuse victims and cancer research. This is an amazing thing! I just wished I could have loved the book.
Here are other reviews of this book:
Lynn's Corner-Review
Review's from the Heart-Review
Life in Review-Review
**I was provided a free copy for an honest review, the contents of said review are mine and mine alone***
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Bout of Books Read-a-thon: Starting Post
I am going to start reading at around 7:00am on Monday and read until I have to start work.
I have a few books in mind for this week..My goal is five books in total that I will choose from these:
- A Soul Less Broken (this is for a blog tour)-ebook-DONE
- Crusade-Nancy Holder
- Rebecca-Daphne du Maurier
- Royal Assassin-Robin Hobb (ebook)
- Hex Hall-Rachel Hawkins- DONE
- Neverwhere-Neil Gaiman
- The Tower of Parlen Min-Matt Xell-(ebook)
- The Unwanted-Lisa McMann (ebook)
Title(s): A Soul Less Broken by Helen Laibach (173pgs nook)FINISHED, Hex Hall (201 pages:nook)Number of books I’ve read today: 1
Total number of books I’ve read: 2 (finished one and started another)
Today #insixwords: Fun. Tired. Busy. Sleepy. Booky. Cantwaittodothisagaintomorrow
Title(s): Hex Hall (201 pages, nook-FINISHED) Neverwhere (paperback-370 pages)Number of books I’ve read today: 1
Total number of books I’ve read: 2
Today #insixwords: Life keeps getting in the way
Title(s):Neverwhere -paperback (370pages-(8pages)put it down and moved on) Demonglass-ebook (228 pages)Number of books I’ve read today: (didn't finish)
Total number of books I’ve read:2
Pages: 37
Today #insixwords: Slow on the reading for today.
Title(s): Demonglass-ebook (228 pages) *start page 29*Number of books I’ve read today: (didn't finish)
Total number of books I’ve read:2
Today #insixwords: No motivation can be found for me.
Title(s): Demonglass-ebook (228 pages) *start pg 51/228** (FINISHED), Devil's Kiss-Sarwat Chadda (327 pages)-made it to pg35Number of books I’ve read today: 2
Total number of books I’ve read: 3
Today #insixwords: Just a little bit better today!
Title(s): Devil's Kiss-Sarwat Chadda (327 pages)-FINISHEDTotal number of books I’ve read: 3
Pages: 327
Today #insixwords: Boo! Going too slow for this!
Title(s): Sinexia-364Number of books I’ve read today:
Total number of books I’ve read:
Today #insixwords:
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Random Self Imposed Read-a-thon!
Yup! Starting today at 11am CST, I will have the house to myself from 11am-3:30pm (when kidlet gets home from school.)Yesterday I had a random burst of energy that I used to clean, clean, oh yeah... and clean. So I don't have any housework stuffs to do! So I figured I'd use this time wisely instead of how I normally handle it (by napping, playing RIFT or watching TV.) I am off work tomorrow as well so my Random Self Imposed Read-a-thon will start at 11am and run until tomorrow night at 12am (midnight.)
This will be my starting post, my update post, and my finish line! I don't wanna be too ridiculous with this!
Wish me luck!
Day 2 Progress:
(My time has been delayed and my reading is slow! The West Memphis Three Are being released *hopefully* today! I've bene watching the live feed)
Total Progress:
Books Finished: 2 and 1/2
Pages Read: 886
This will be my starting post, my update post, and my finish line! I don't wanna be too ridiculous with this!
Wish me luck!
- Start Time (1): 11am (Cst)
- Book: Ready Player One by Ernest Cline
- Page: 170
- End Time: 1:00pm
- Ending Page: 257
- Notes: I'm loving this book! I had a phone call that distracted me for a bit but other than that and a load of laundry I've been reading :)
- Start Time (2) : 1:00pm
- Book: Ready Player One
- Page: 257
- Ending Time: 3:00pm
- Ending Page: 374
- Notes: This book OMG I loved it! Nerdtastic!
- Start Time (3) : 3:00pm
- Book: Unwind by Neal Shusterman
- Page:1
- Ending Time:7:00pm
- Ending Page:143
- Notes: Have to cut the internet time now. I will continue keeping track until I go to sleep. :) I had to cook dinner and help little man with homework and of course have some family time! Unwind is a very unusual type of book. Not sure what I think of it actually.
- Start Time (4) : 7:20pm
- Book: Unwind
- Page:143
- Ending Time:9:40pm
- Ending Page:335 (finished)
- Notes: I was flagging near the end of this hour..
- Start Time (5) :9:45pm
- Book: The Body Finder
- Page:1
- Ending Time:10:05pm
- Ending Page:15
- Notes: I went to bed at roughly 10: 15 lol...
Day 2 Progress:
(My time has been delayed and my reading is slow! The West Memphis Three Are being released *hopefully* today! I've bene watching the live feed)
- Start Time (1)-2:00pm
- Book: The Body Finder
- Page:15
- Ending Time: 9:00pm
- Ending Page: 328 (finished)
- Notes: I read on and off from 2-9pm.
Total Progress:
Books Finished: 2 and 1/2
Pages Read: 886
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Quick Review: Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children
A mysterious island.
An abandoned orphanage.
A strange collection of very curious photographs.
It all waits to be discovered in Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children, an unforgettable novel that mixes fiction and photography in a thrilling reading experience. As our story opens, a horrific family tragedy sets sixteen-year-old Jacob journeying to a remote island off the coast of Wales, where he discovers the crumbling ruins of Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children. As Jacob explores its abandoned bedrooms and hallways, it becomes clear that the children were more than just peculiar. They may have been dangerous. They may have been quarantined on a deserted island for good reason. And somehow—impossible though it seems—they may still be alive.
My Review:
It's been remarked upon many many times in the internet world, but how awesome is this cover?! I loved the vintage freak show feel to the pictures scattered throughout the book! I liked the oddness of the plot. I cannot say that I knew what I was getting into when I picked this one up. I totally picked it out for the awesome reviews and the creeptastical cover art! Soo I didn't have any kind of preconceived notions about the story. I was blind as a bat going into this, I guess you can say.
Jacob was a very well written character. He had me in almost tears at moments. The one that sticks with me the most was when he found his Grandpa. I won't go into too many details, as I'm sure there's like five of you out there that hasn't read this yet ;) That scene was quite an emotional roller coaster.
The "children" were all awesome! They had their special talents and each had their own quirky, or peculiar traits which made me love each and every one of them! Except for the bee guy..that guy squicked me out so much! They all make this story super fun to read and definitely make me want to give Ransom Riggs (wicked awesome name dude!) a big hug for putting this book out into the world!
I'm not really adding much new to this book's reputation I guess. I'm basically just reinstating what other blogs and reviewers have already mentioned MANY times before, which is, this is an awesome book! The end :)
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Review: The Eyes of the Dragon
A kingdom is in turmoil as the old king dies and his successor must do battle for the throne. Pitted against an evil wizard and a would-be rival, Prince Peter makes a daring escape and rallies the forces of Good to fight for what is rightfully his.
My Review:
I like Stephen King. I like his horror novels very much! However hard I've tried to like some of his other forays into different genres, I did not. At least not until I read The Eyes of the Dragon (published originally in 1987) This is an excellent and exciting romp into the fantasy genre for King. I remarked MANY times to my husband that he should write more books like this one! I loved the way this book flowed. It felt like you were sitting down in front of a fire place and listening to your Grandpa read you a story. I have a sneaky feeling that the narrator was supposed to be Stephen King himself, or at least that is what we were supposed to believe. He's a tricky one that Stephen King.
Each character that graced the cast in this book was someone whom seemed very real. They came alive on the page and the world became solid. I felt for Peter and Thomas, brothers at odds with each other, both vying for the love of their father the King. Thomas being slow witted and trusting, and Peter being of strong mind and body, both are awesomely written and fleshed out! You want so much to give Thomas a big hug and help him overcome his insecurities just as much as you want Peter to succeed to the thrown and make the Kingdom great!
Flagg of course we cannot forget about him. True to his usual business, it seems SK likes to recycle names a heck of a lot! I've seen the old stereotype of wicked Wizard before, but somehow Flagg is much more. He's evil but not cartoonish, like in some stories. He's definitely someone that I wouldn't want to run into on the street. I felt sorry for the way he pulled the strings of the King and Thomas. He made them into his own little puppets plus many others. His evils weren't limited to just "recent" times, as he had been at his nasty work for many many years.
I devoured this from front cover to end! I honestly loved it and think that if you are a Stephen King fan and/or a fan of the fantasy genre then give this a read! It'll be worth it!
Monday, August 15, 2011
This Just In!
I won these books! All of them! :) My son is going to have an AWESOME time with these! I know they are middle school and he's only in elementary but according to his AR tests he reads at almost a fourth grade level! So I figure he can at least give some fo these a try or save them for later!
I have to thank Bailey for having such an awesome giveaway for her blogoversary! You rock!
I have to thank Bailey for having such an awesome giveaway for her blogoversary! You rock!
Blog Tour: Voice-Joseph Garraty
About Voice:
Local rock band Ragman is finally taking off. Stephanie Case’s flamboyant performances and scorching guitar work have started attracting crowds, and singer John Tsiboukas—aka Johnny Tango—is delivering the best performances of his life. After months of playing to dead rooms, it looks like success is at hand.
The thing is, there’s something wrong with Johnny’s voice. Until just a few weeks ago, he couldn’t hit the right pitch if you painted a target on it and let him stand real close. Now he sounds amazing. . . and strange things happen every time he sings. Lights burn out. Whole rooms become cold and hushed. People get violent.
For Johnny and Case, Ragman is a ticket out of a life of meaningless, dead-end jobs and one lousy gig after another, but as the weirdness surrounding Johnny begins to turn into outright nightmare, they find that the price of stardom might be higher than either of them could ever have imagined.
My Review:
Voice comes out of nowhere as a great work of horror fiction! It had all the creepy, gut-clenching, teeth rattling, and heart pounding elements that I haven't seen in a book for a long time! I loved Joseph Garraty's style of writing. It's simple and elegantly creepy! This is one that I will be recommending to any and all fans of the horror genre, or just someone that loves a morbid story. I would, if pressed, describe this as a fresh spin on the "deal with the devil" storyline.
The characters! Oh wow, where do I start! Case is awesome! She's a tough as nails, knock your teeth in, killer on the guitar chick that doesn't take anything from anyone! Then John aka Johnny, he's the lead singer that doesn't have much of a voice, but that changes and so does he. He's interesting to read and definitely gets you thinking. The rest of the characters are just as well written, but it's obvious that these two are the stars of the show...and boy do they shine! The story is fresh and fun to read. It keeps you going and wanting to never stop until the last word.
It should be obvious by now that I have thoroughly enjoyed this book. I would even daresay that this is the best in this genre that I've read this whole year! I loved each and every word!
I bow to you Mr. Garraty..this is an excellent book and you have every right to be incredibly proud of it!
Other Blog Stops:
Tuesday, August 16
Local rock band Ragman is finally taking off. Stephanie Case’s flamboyant performances and scorching guitar work have started attracting crowds, and singer John Tsiboukas—aka Johnny Tango—is delivering the best performances of his life. After months of playing to dead rooms, it looks like success is at hand.
The thing is, there’s something wrong with Johnny’s voice. Until just a few weeks ago, he couldn’t hit the right pitch if you painted a target on it and let him stand real close. Now he sounds amazing. . . and strange things happen every time he sings. Lights burn out. Whole rooms become cold and hushed. People get violent.
For Johnny and Case, Ragman is a ticket out of a life of meaningless, dead-end jobs and one lousy gig after another, but as the weirdness surrounding Johnny begins to turn into outright nightmare, they find that the price of stardom might be higher than either of them could ever have imagined.
My Review:
Voice comes out of nowhere as a great work of horror fiction! It had all the creepy, gut-clenching, teeth rattling, and heart pounding elements that I haven't seen in a book for a long time! I loved Joseph Garraty's style of writing. It's simple and elegantly creepy! This is one that I will be recommending to any and all fans of the horror genre, or just someone that loves a morbid story. I would, if pressed, describe this as a fresh spin on the "deal with the devil" storyline.
The characters! Oh wow, where do I start! Case is awesome! She's a tough as nails, knock your teeth in, killer on the guitar chick that doesn't take anything from anyone! Then John aka Johnny, he's the lead singer that doesn't have much of a voice, but that changes and so does he. He's interesting to read and definitely gets you thinking. The rest of the characters are just as well written, but it's obvious that these two are the stars of the show...and boy do they shine! The story is fresh and fun to read. It keeps you going and wanting to never stop until the last word.
It should be obvious by now that I have thoroughly enjoyed this book. I would even daresay that this is the best in this genre that I've read this whole year! I loved each and every word!
I bow to you Mr. Garraty..this is an excellent book and you have every right to be incredibly proud of it!
Other Blog Stops:
Tuesday, August 16
Interviewed at Working Writers
Wednesday, August 17
Interviewed at The Dark Phantom Reviews
Thursday, August 18
Interviewed at The Book Connection
Friday, August 19
Guest participant at Literarily Speaking August Book Panel
Monday, August 22
Book spotlighted at Virginia Beach Publishing Examiner
Tuesday, August 23
Guest blogging at Writing Daze
Wednesday, August 24
Book spotlighted at Book Marketing Buzz
Thursday, August 25
Guest blogging at Literal Exposure
Friday, August 26
Chat with Joseph at Pump Up Your Book Live! Chat Party! (link coming soon!)
Monday, September 5
Book reviewed at Mad Moose Mama
Tuesday, September 6
Guest blogging at The Story Behind the Book
Wednesday, September 7
Interviewed at Pump Up Your Book
Thursday, September 8
Interviewed at Book Marketing Buzz
Monday, September 12
Interviewed at The Hot Author Report
Wednesday, September 14
Book reviewed at Life in Review
Thursday, September 15
Guest blogging at Beyond the Books
Monday, September 19
Book reviewed at Review From Here
Wednesday, September 21
Guest blogging at The Book Bin
Monday, September 26
Interviewed at Examiner
Tuesday, September 27
Guest blogging at As the Pages Turn
Wednesday, September 28
Interviewed at The Writer’s Life
Friday, September 30
Interviewed at American Chronicle
New Week Plans
I like this picture! This is what I feel like. I am not going to plan anything this week except to read and post up all the reviews that I've been backed up on. I've got reviews backed up out the wazoo so I figured that I will use this whole week to just play catch up. I'll put my GRRR face on and do that!
Saturday, August 13, 2011
We Don't Feel Well
Back to school germs! 'Nuff said. I'll be back on Monday probably. The weekend is going to be spent getting my little man feeling better (along with myself!) I hope everyone has a great weekend!
Much Huggles,
Much Huggles,
Friday, August 12, 2011
Read Dangerously Read-a-Thon: Day 2
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Read Dangerously Read-a-Thon: Mini Challenge 1
Challenge #1
For this mini challenge, I want you to pick 1 to 3 songs that fit the book you're currently reading. You can explain why they fit, or just list the songs. Remember, this is supposed to be a fun, quick challenge, so don't drive yourself crazy trying to come up with something.
My book that I'm reading is
So far I would say that there is really just one song so far that pops into my brain about this book! I'm only on pg. 68 so I may add more but for now..
When Worlds Collide by Powerman 5k-just because Sam's world just collides with the supernatural world. It's kind of a stretch but it's the first thing that came to mind! LOL
Read Dangerously Read-a-Thon: Day One
So the fun starts today! I won't remind everyone of the disastah that was the last read-a-thon (for me not the actual event..I just didn't do very well) so I won't get all fancy shmancy with this one and post a looong list. I'm just going to go with the flow.
So starting at 10am (CST) I'm going to start reading. I do hope to get at least three books read completely! That would make me a happy panda!
First Book:
Starting on page: 68
Ending Page: 230
Time Started: 1:15pm
Time Ended:6:30pm
Finished: Didn't finish but almost there!
Review and Giveaway: Veiled by S.B. Niccum

"I have always existed, not just me but all of us, the un-embodied spirits who wait to live.”
Tess is an unborn spirit, who is about to embark on a much awaited journey into mortality to a brand new planet called Earth. She is chosen by the Eternals for an important mission, and is put under a rigorous training by a half-human, half-lion Seraph.
Tess is an unborn spirit, who is about to embark on a much awaited journey into mortality to a brand new planet called Earth. She is chosen by the Eternals for an important mission, and is put under a rigorous training by a half-human, half-lion Seraph.
This training exposes Tess to some of her darkest fears and insecurities. These experiences force Tess to work on her gift as a discerner of thoughts and reader of auras—thus helping her become one of Heaven’s most powerful angels. But even angels falter, and deep inside her a gnawing fear is growing. Will she meet her soul mate in life? Will their love be strong enough to overcome the forgetting effects of the Veil? And, is she prepared to take on the responsibility of keeping the most dangerous renegade and leader of the Fallen Angels at bay during mortality?
My Review:
This book has a very thought provoking idea behind it! I was not sure really if it was my cup of tea but I tried it anyway and was delighted to find out that it was really interesting! The questions it raises (i.e.-souls, the afterlife and what happens, love being eternal) are all ones that have spawned countless debates all over the world!
S.B. Niccum's book, Veiled is a very clever take on these questions and then some! It's got the romance and intrigue that grasp the reader from the start and definitely the writing and talent that keeps them reading! I for one was impressed!
I have been given the opportunity to give-away 1 book (US/ Canada)
or ebook (International) giveaway of this book!
Just fill out this form and I'll choose winners on 8/20!
Monday, August 8, 2011
Weekly Reading Menu Aug-7th-14th
Well since this week is going to be rather interesting with school starting and our schedules basically getting turned all topsy turvy; I'm kind of at a loss for what I should be planning for this week.
I have three read-a-longs that I have going all at once so that is definitely on the plate starting with:
After that I have
I think this should be plenty for my weary Mommy brain to handle! If I get anything else read then i will be astounded!
Sunday, August 7, 2011
Sizzling Summer Read-a-thon Last Day
I am failing miserably at this read-a-thon! I'm not sure if it's because of school starting tomorrow and my mind wandering or what? I'm going to try and read as much as I can today but my plate is very full! My "to do" list is very long! Wish me luck though!
Status: #1
Starting Book: The Way of Kings (nook)
Total Pages Read:
Books Finished:
Saturday, August 6, 2011
Sizzling Summer Read-a-thon Update 2
After the mishap yesterday I hope today goes a LOT smoother! I work 8am-12 (noon) but I will read if I can during then go full out after that!
My plans for today:
- catch up with the Mist of Avalon
- The Way of Kings (til part 2)
- Ready Player One
Starting Book: The Way of Kings (nook)
Total Pages Read: 0 Books Finished:0
Notes: I had a very busy shift at work today so I got absolutely not spare time to read! :( Full blast from here on out!
Status: #2
Starting Book: The Way of Kings (nook)
Total Pages Read: 65 Books Finished:0
Notes: We got caught up in back to school shopping crazy wackiness! :( I am failing this read-a-thon like a boss :(
Read Dangerously Read-a-Thon: I'm Signed Up!
This post is very important. This post means I am an official participant in...

This read-a-thon is only a small part of an even bigger event at All By MySHELF, celebrating Ren's 20th birthday. And everyone knows: big event + blogging = PRIZES!
Here are the important details about the read-a-thon:
The Read Dangerously Read-A-Thon will start at 10 a.m. on Thursday, August 11, and end at 10 p.m. on Saturday, August 13. There will be mini-challenges on each day, so you'll have something to amuse yourself during your reading breaks. You can participate on all days or just a few, whatever you feel like or your schedule allows.
But that's not all! Everyone that participates in the read-a-thon will be entered to win $15 to The Book Depository! One winner will get their choice of any already released as of August 20) YA book, and because it's BD, the contest is open to anyone that lives in one of these countries. And if you say Melissa Caldwell sent you, we'll both get an extra entry! All you have to do to be eligible for the giveaway is sign up for the read-a-thon and post an end of day update on one of the read-a-thon days. Yep, that simple.
Now, what are you waiting for? Go sign up!

This read-a-thon is only a small part of an even bigger event at All By MySHELF, celebrating Ren's 20th birthday. And everyone knows: big event + blogging = PRIZES!
Here are the important details about the read-a-thon:
The Read Dangerously Read-A-Thon will start at 10 a.m. on Thursday, August 11, and end at 10 p.m. on Saturday, August 13. There will be mini-challenges on each day, so you'll have something to amuse yourself during your reading breaks. You can participate on all days or just a few, whatever you feel like or your schedule allows.
But that's not all! Everyone that participates in the read-a-thon will be entered to win $15 to The Book Depository! One winner will get their choice of any already released as of August 20) YA book, and because it's BD, the contest is open to anyone that lives in one of these countries. And if you say Melissa Caldwell sent you, we'll both get an extra entry! All you have to do to be eligible for the giveaway is sign up for the read-a-thon and post an end of day update on one of the read-a-thon days. Yep, that simple.
Now, what are you waiting for? Go sign up!
Friday, August 5, 2011
Blog Tour: The Lost
Adam Bruno is no ordinary millionaire. The heir to an ancient race possessing a dark, powerful magic, he can shape shift and create energy. His gifts make him a living weapon and have forced him to live in seclusion. But now an inhuman force hunts down Adam-just when he finds someone who makes him feel more human than he ever imagined possible . . .
Home from combat in Iraq, Bobbie Carerra wants only peace, yet soon joins Adam in a terrifying battle against paranormal enemies who hide in plain sight. She's drawn to his strength of mind and body; he's attracted to her courage and intoxicating energy. Their scorching passion can either transport them to the heights of ecstasy or-if Adam's powers rage out of control-destroy them. But when an invisible brotherhood tightens its nets and someone Adam trusts betrays him, only a heartrending decision can save them.
About Caridad Pineiro:
Caridad Piñeiro is a multi-published and award-winning author whose love of the written word developed when her fifth grade teacher assigned a project - to write a book that would be placed in a class lending library. She has been hooked on writing ever since.
My Review:
I liked it. This is a great start to the Sin Hunters series. I quickly found myself routing for Adam and Bobbie and losing myself in the story. It was fun and had mystery and all those paranormal sweet things that makes this genre good! I thought it was a very well written story! That will satisfy the Paranormal romance lover's thirst for new material to feast on!
I don't really have much experience in this genre but I did like this very much! I wasn't sure what to expect barring the summary that I read on the back. I settled in and started reading and looked up and realized that I had been reading for two hours! Yeah that's how engrossing it is! It's got all the things a girl can want in a story. Passion, betrayal, courage, and all sorts of angst that make up a gripping tale!
Sizzling Summer Read-a-thon
So I'm totally addicted to these awesome-sauce things called Read-a-Thons! Duh! ;) So when I found out that there was one planned for today (5th) through the 7th I couldn't resist signing up!
So here be my plans:
- catch up on read-a-longs
- finish my two unfinished books
- read at least one other book
Oh dear..I'm just a big bundle of confusion today! I erased my progress because I thought I read it wrongly but I didn't. :(
So here's what I've read so far today:
- Finished up The Eyes of the Dragon by Stephen King
- Read my Reading from Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen (for the read-a-long)
- Now I'm reading the selection from The Mists of Avalon
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Review: The Girls of Murder City
Have you seen the awesomeness that is the movie/play Chicago? Well this is the story of the women that inspired the story! They were insta-celebrities and all that they had to do was knock off a few annoying men! This book is brief history of some of the first well-known female murderers of the 20's, and the female reporter that covered some of their stories.
Back in the 20's, when gangsters were feared yet adored, it was thought that women were incapable of murder. Unless a man made the do it! The thought that the weaker sex could be vicious enough to pop a cap in someone or stab someone was unthinkable! Then one day it was noticed that WOMEN were starting to do more violent crimes...GASP...getting arrested for killing their spouses or boyfriends left and right! (Not really but it seemed that way to some) What was this unusual turn of events? Everyone was intrigued and needed to know what was happening..thus newspapers flocked to the prisons to interview these lawless ladies and get their stories first!
Enter Maurine Watkins, the woman that got the biggest scoop of them all and wrote the musical Chicago. She pushed through the boundaries and got the hard hitting stories that were usually reserved for men. Her employers thought her soft and feminine ways would get her in the good graces of the female criminals so she was put on their cases!
This was a very interesting book to crack open and dive into! I enjoyed this little dose of history! The Jazz Age is a very chaotic and thrilling time in American culture! So many things were happening all at once! Women's roles in modern life were changing. Racial tensions were mounting. Prohibition was creating all sorts of troubles and criminals. This book was entertaining, thought provoking, and wonderful!
Not my usual cup of tea but still very delicious nonetheless! I recommend it for the history buff, true crime buff, and anyone in between!
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Shh..I'm Reading...
That is the plan for tonight! I'm zonked from waking up early. I'm trying to get the little man back onto his normal school sleep/wake schedule, so of course that means I also must get up early! So this is day 1 of this process and therefore I am a zombie. I swear I said "mmm brains" at least once today and was serious! Brains would be tasty!
But I do have many books that are needing to be read and reviews that need writing! So I will stay up a little bit and do thus!
Pssst..isn't he cute though? Lookit those fat cheeks! Squeeee!
But I do have many books that are needing to be read and reviews that need writing! So I will stay up a little bit and do thus!
Pssst..isn't he cute though? Lookit those fat cheeks! Squeeee!
Monday, August 1, 2011
High Summer Read-a-Thon-Wrap Up
Books Read: 2 (What a Demon Wants and The Girls of Murder City)
I didn't track time read or pages most days so I don't have those stats, but I did have lots of fun! I always plan to read more than my real life can allow me, though. I should know better by now! I would like to THANK Michelle for hosting! You be awesome!
It's Monday! What Am I Reading?
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