Yay! Congrats to Anita!!!
I also won Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet from the Literary Feline! Thank you! and I purchased The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins (LOVE!) so all in all it was a busy mail week again.
See I wasn't joking when I said I made out like a bandit last week! I don't expect such a week like that this week! I was so thrilled to get a copy of Dracula! I had forgotten about requesting it and was just a super geek when it came in! Thanks for letting me brag!
I also have one review for Red-Headed Stepchild by Jaye Wells to write and post! Them's my plans for the weekend! Wish me luck!
I am almost certain that my mail carrier is plotting my murder! I'm gonna have a LOT of reading to do! Yay!
From Amazon
Calliope Reaper-Jones so just wanted a normal life: buying designer shoes on sale, dating guys from Craig’s List, web-surfing for organic dim-sum for her boss...
But when her father—who happens to be Death himself—is kidnapped, and the Devil’s Protege embarks on a hostile takeover of the family business, Death, Inc., Callie returns home to assume the CEO mantle— only to discover she must complete three nearly impossible tasks in the realm of the afterlife first.
Being a HUGE Buffy fan I just had to pick up this book! Amber Benson, who played Tara on the series, is the author of this very cool book! I may sound like a rabid fan but this was a very fun, fast paced book that I totally got into! I really didn't want to put it down, in fact I believe I read it in the car, walking to the mailbox, in the bathtub, and even as I was pouring a cup of coffee in the morning (big mistake, trust me!)
This book is about Calliope Reaper-Jones (awesome name huh?) and how she deals with the fact that her father (who just so happens to be Death himself) and his associates (including her sister) has gone missing. She has to step up and take over Death Inc, even if she's not exactly thrilled about it. I really enjoyed reading this book and honestly cannot think of one negative thing to say. Hopefully we get to see more of Calliope soon!
This is a book I definitely recommend to anyone that was a fan of Buffy and loves the Paranormal/Chick Lit genres! I give this book a 5/5 stars!