So I'm just gonna come right out and admit it. I've been a slacker and I apologize for it. Good news though, I'm so excited for this week and weekend's read-a-thons! I'm reading as much as I can when I can. I'm trying to get myself back on track so I can do this blog justice again!
I've already listed my goals for this week and so far so good! I'm plowing through The Fellowship and starting up kinda slow on The Passage, but I'll take it. I realize it will be a miracle if I finish The Passage in one week. This book is HUGE..like the unabridged version of The Stand huge!!! So I'll be happy if I make it at least half way through!
So if all goes well, I'll wake up around 5:30 (ish) on Saturday and start reading before the kiddo wakes up. Then after he's up I'll take a little break and make him breakfast and get him doing something fun, maybe he can even join me in reading? I don't think I can make it all night, BUT my husband gets home early on Saturday and has Sunday off, so I could try and stay up a little late. It would be awesome of him to wake up with the kiddo in the morning (on Sunday) but he usually wants to sleep in, but I think if I ask him nicely he'll get up ;)
Rambling on, I have a few ideas about a giveaway that I might do. I went through my piles and bookshelves looking for Read-a-Thon books and discovered I had some that I could use for a giveaway. I think you guys might like this selection too! So let me cook up that idea and I'll let you know what happens, of course.
Okay now, back to reading.