Amaliya wakes under the forest floor, disoriented, famished and confused. She digs out of the shallow grave and realizes she is hungry... ... in a new, horrific, unimaginable way... Sating her great hunger, she discovers that she is now a vampire, the bloodthirsty creature of legend. She has no choice but to flee from her old life and travels across Texas. Her new hunger spurs her to leave a wake of death and blood behind her as she struggles with her new nature. All the while, her creator is watching. He is ancient, he is powerful, and what's worse is that he's a necromancer. He has the power to force the dead to do his bidding. Amaliya realizes she is but a pawn in a twisted game, and her only hope for survival is to seek out one of her own kind. But if Amaliya finds another vampire, will it mean her salvation... or her death?
My Thoughts:
Okay, my first thoughts..straight out the gate...DANG Amaliya! Why you gotta be so awesome?! No lie, that was it. My initial thoughts were just how believable she was. Again, it's fairly obvious that I am a BIG OLE Rhiannon Frater fan, I ain't afeared to say it either! So once again I was stunned by the flawed but awesomeballs female character that I feel Madam Frater should be known for!
*accurate portrayal of how I looked while reading this book!*
I am not a fan of sappy insta-love, some vampire books use that gimick often and it makes me wanna throw the thing across the room. I am SO glad that even thought there is some romance and LURVE happens, it's not instant and it's not like a "
OMG her eyez be so glinty and dayum I am in luv!" It came across as genuine. It's grown and not just shown. They develop their bond and their feelings as the get to know each other.
I like Cian. He isn't some pompous asshat that nails anything that walks by him, simply because he can. He's sexy, but not a try hard. He's not trying to seduce the ladies with his flashy fangy charm. What he is trying to do, is live his life like a normal human. He's got a fiance (poor thing), he keeps all the other vampires out of his city, and he tries to blend in as best as he can. It doesn't work. :( Poor Cian! When Amaliya shows up, she is all up in his situation, messing up his flow. At first his reaction is to send her away, but then he realizes that she needs her. They share something in common and that leads them on, for lack of a better phrase, a BEAUTIFUL adventure!
This book pleased me to no ends. There's all kinds of goodies up in this book! Sex, humor, fangs, and GREAT STORY TELLING! Did I mention the kick ass heroine? Yeah, cuz there's that too!
Also, I will be participating in the blog tour for the release of
Pretty When She Kills! The book will be released on Sept. 7th, and I will be posting my review on the 12th! I cannot wait to read it!