"With SmartMouth Mouthwash, one rinse in the morning and you'll have all day fresh breath. One rinse at night and you can wake up with fresh breath. No more morning breath! While other leading mouthwashes do not provide fresh breath longer than one hour, SmartMouth delivers at least 12 hours of fresh breath."
Basically this rinse is supposed to keep your mouth fresh for up to 12 hours. There's some kind of voodoo, zinc-ion technology that they use instead of alcohol, and it works! Apparently the reason I've always awakened with a cottony dry mouth feeling isn't because my mouth's been catching flies all night, it's because my mouthwash has alcohol. Yeah, the stuff will kill germs but it also dries out your mouth. Hmm...
Well my stars must have aligned the day I saw that the people over at SmartMouth were looking for bloggers to review their product! I just had to jump on that opportunity and try it out! So without further ado here you go!
My review:
Now as I've already said, this stuff works. I won't go soo far as to say 12 hours but it is really close. I'm sure you could get away with 12 hours if you don't drink anything or eat anything in that time frame, but I do like my grubs and my drinks (that sounds wrong but I think you understand?) I do love the flavor of this rinse. The taste isn't overpowering and it's not too mediciney. My husband wasn't sure it would work, he's been conditioned to "love the burn" of regular mouthwashes so when he heard it was alcohol free he was skeptical. After one night he was a believer and so was I.
I woke up to a mouth that wasn't at all cottony or mucky flavored. They say on the package that it might take up to two weeks to get the full effect, but I noticed it a lot sooner than that. My family and I have been using it for the last week and I think we can all agree that it's great!
The only gripe I have is that it's two bottles. I understand the concept and get it, but it's a wee bit annoying to have the two bottles on my bathroom counter. I get the stuff only works if you mix it up RIGHT before you use it, but still.
All in all I do love this rinse and will look for it when I run out!
You can find this product at Walgreens, CVS, and online at drugstore.com.
**to cover my butt I will say that I did not get paid for this review. I received the product in order to write an honest review.
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