- Fortunate Harbor by Emile Richards (giveaway coming soon!)
- The Secret (of happiness) by Demosthenes Armeniades
- Gone With the Wind
Take the Paradise Heights Women’s League board. Lyssa Harper should have warned golden-haired DILF du jour Harry Wilder what he was getting into when she invited him to meet the mommies who run their suburban, gated community. At least he brought cupcakes. Since meeting the former Master-of-the-Universe turned stay-at-home single dad, Lyssa has been his domestic Sherpa, teaching him the ins and outs of suburban life. She just didn’t realize her friends would show up at his house unannounced with casseroles, leopard-print bikini briefs, and plans to rearrange his kitchen cabinets.
The truth is, if Harry and his wife, the neighborhood’s "perfect couple," can call it quits, what does that mean for everyone else? Lyssa’s husband, Ted, is a great father, but he pays her Pilates-pumped momtourage more attention than he does his own wife. Her friends gossip about the neighbors while ignoring their own problems: infertility, infidelity, and eating disorders.
When Harry sets boundaries with his new fan club, he is exiled from the neighborhood’s in-clique. But Lyssa refuses to snub him. What she never expects is the explosive impact her ongoing friendship with Harry will have on her close-knit pals—and on her marriage.
My Review:
I really wasn't expecting to like this book as much as I did. That is the honest truth. I thought I might have gotten myself into a soapish kind of book. It does have some soapy elements, but the GOOD kind of Soap. (I hope that makes sense?) I was never bored with the characters and never wanted to put this book down. I loved how each character is developed enough that we feel like they are our actual neighbors! I think every neighborhood has that group of catty women that make life a bit more..erm..challenging for the rest. Right?
Not that this book didn't have it's faults. The main couple didn't seem to have any real chemistry. The marriage didn't seem to be based on anything else but the children. The wife is pretty miserable most of the time. Her husband was definitely, for lack of a better word, a bit on the douchey side, but I guess that is the point. Not all marriages that look perfect, actually are perfect.
I rated this one a 4/5!!!
About the Author:
Josie Brown's celebrity interviews and relationship articles have been featured in Redbook and Complete Woman magazines, as well as AOL, Yahoo, AskMen.com, Divorce360.com, and SingleMindedWomen.com. She lives in Marin County, California with her husband and two children.
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A Room Without Books Is Empty: http://detweilermom.blogspot.com/
Busy Julie: http://busyjulieblog.blogspot.com/
Bookin’ with Bingo: http://bookinwithbingo.blogspot.com
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Knitting and Sundries: http://www.jewelknits.blogspot.com/
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Have we all not wished to keep forever the one person we love the most?
The secluded beaches of a sun-drenched Mediterranean island are the perfect playground for young Sebastian and Adora. Emotionally adrift from their mother, Adora shelters her sensitive older brother from the cruelties of the world. Sophie does not question her children's intense need for one another until it's too late. Her beloved son's affections belong to Adora, and when he drowns in the sea, she has no one else to blame.
Still heartbroken years later, Adora fills her emptiness with Genevieve, the precocious young daughter of her husband's business associate and his jealous wife, Miranda. Thrilled to be invited into the beautiful and enigmatic Adora's world, the child idolizes her during their summers together. Yet, as the years progress, Genevieve begins to suspect their charmed existence is nothing more than a carefully crafted illusion. Soon, she too is ensnared in a web of lies.
Stunningly told in the tragic voices of four women whose lives are fatefully entangled, The Art of Devotion is evocative and haunting, a story of deceit, jealousy, and the heartbreaking reality of love's true power.
The Art of Devotion: Tuesday, June 8th
All About {n}: http://www.bookwormygirl.blogspot.com/
The Book Tree: http://thebooktree.blogspot.com/
Books Gardens & Dogs: http://maryinhb.blogspot.com/
Arms of a Sister: http://armsofasister.com/
Booktumbling: http://booktumbling.com/
A Room Without Books Is Empty: http://detweilermom.blogspot.com/
Literarily Speaking: http://literarilyspeaking1.blogspot.com
Busy Julie: http://busyjulieblog.blogspot.com/
The Down Home Diva: http://thestuffyouneedtoknow.blogspot.com/
Teresa’s Reading Corner: http://www.teresasreadingcorner.blogspot.com/
Me, My Book, and the Couch: http://memybookandthecouch.blogspot.com/
Starting Fresh: http://startingfresh-gaby317.blogspot.com/
Frugal Plus: http://frugalplus.com/
Avid Reader: http://www.tarmyblogspot.blogspot.com/
Marta’s Meanderings: http://martasmeanderings.blogspot.com/
Eclectic Book Lover: http://www.eclecticbooklover.com
Not Quite Susie: http://notquitesusiehomemaker.blogspot.com/
Books and Needlepoint: http://booksandneedlepoint.blogspot.com/
Books with a Cup of Coffee: http://bookswithcoffee.wordpress.com/
Knitting and Sundries: http://www.jewelknits.blogspot.com/
The Girl from the Ghetto: http://thegirlfromtheghetto.wordpress.com/
Just Another New Blog: http://justanothernewblog.blogspot.com/
Simply Stacie: http://simplystacie.net/
Must Read Faster: http://mustreadfaster.blogspot.com/
Booksie’s Blog: http://booksiesblog.blogspot.com/
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My Five Monkeys: http://www.tableforseven-julie.blogspot.com/
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A Musing Reviews: http://www.amusingreviews.blogspot.com/
This Book For Free: http://thisbookforfree.com/
Chick with Books: www.chickwithbooks.blogspot.com
Taking Time For Mommy: http://takingtimeformommy.blogspot.com/
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Book Junkie: http://myfoolishwisdom.blogspot.com/
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Readaholic: http://bridget3420.blogspot.com/
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Rundpinne: http://www.rundpinne.com