look at me making a thingy for my meme!
Well I'm still quite enthralled by The 100, but I've caught up now. (Weee! Just in time for mid-season break!) So I've skulked back to Netflix to see what is around for watchin'! 'Lo and behold what should I find?
Haven! Where on Earth have I been? Oh yeah, I try my darndest to avoid Syfy (it still pains me to spell it like this) channel shows or movies! So naturally I didn't wanna watch it.

However, I was totally ridiculously wrong! This show is amazeballs. Yeah, at times it can be cheesy, but still. It's good TV.
The lead actress won points with me from the start. You see I'm not only a TV junkie, but also a game junkie too. Emily Rose did the voice acting for one of my favorite female game characters, Elena from the Uncharted series. So it's super funny to me whenever she speaks. (I am easily amused!)
There are 4 seasons on Netflix and 5 seasons in total.
Obviously I have my favorite character.
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