Welp! It's Monday! Tis enough I think. I'm reading the Two Towers for the LoTRs challenge. I'm waay behind on that but I think I'll cheat and take my time. I'm also going to try and read Beatrice and Virgil this week too! It's thin and I've heard good things about it!
My mailbox has recently seen a little action too! Here are the books I received last week:
- The Devil's Star by Jo Nesbo
- Damaged by Alex Kava
- Reckless by Andrew Gross
- The Map of True Places by Brunonia Barry
- Street Boners by Gavin McInnes (btw this book title is a WIN! It totally confuddled my husband..he saw the title and opened it up and was like "Wait..I don't see any....."
Love the LOTR series and it looks like your mailbox was full of book goodies as well. Happy reading.