About the Book:
Called to action by a mysterious ancient Order-an ancient Order in cahoots with the Empress Flaccilla of the First Galactic Empire of Emperor Tulla-to help bring about the fulfillment of a long forgotten prophesy, the beautiful galactic pirate, Captain Bonny Morgan, sets out on her mission to successfully bring the prophesy to reality. By kidnapping the Empress’s daughter, Princess Cosette, Captain Morgan sets into motion an adventure awash in political intrigues, hidden agendas, unexpected revelations, and bold, daring gambits by those involved at every level of the conspiracy. Setting out to find her kidnapped sister, Princess Lysette, joined by her beautiful, mischievous, and extraordinary slavegirl, Tink, crisscrosses the galaxy in a bawdy, erotic, and often hilarious attempt to find Cosette. Along the way, Lysette and Tink fall in with a variety of extraordinary allies in their attempt to find Cosette, meeting the Lady Brit, Jon Black, Pirate Queen Colleen O’Malley, Gunns Mannigan, Buster O’Malley, the beautiful pirates Kana and Blaze, and Bully, the roguish owner of the pirate tavern, the Pretty Red.
About the Author:
Robert “Doc” Gowdy is a graduate of the University of North Texas with a Ph.D. in Literary Criticism and Theory and an emphasis on Nineteenth-Century British literature. His specialization in literary theory is psychoanalytic criticism and theory, particularly Lacanian psychoanalysis, with further emphases on Milton and Eighteenth-Century literature. He is currently an adjunct assistant professor at Texas Woman’s University where he teaches various literature classes. His interest in writing is long standing, but aside from academic writing his first novel, Captain Bonny Morgan: The Cassandra Prophesy is his first foray into fiction. Captain Bonny Morgan is based on archetypal themes and patterns from mythology, such as fairies, goddesses, and the Hero’s Journey, and based loosely on Doc Gowdy’s active duty service in the United States Marine Corps with special emphasis on the Golden Age of Piracy in the Caribbean at the turn of the Eighteenth-Century.
My Thoughts:
This was a tough one. I usually don't pick the scifi genre to read, but it captured my attention. I enjoyed this fast paced romp through the galaxies and the characters that live there. I found myself sliding into the story and losing myself in it very quickly. There were a few things I wasn't thrilled about, but they are superficial at best.
The first thing that got to me was the pirate dialect. It took a bit of time before I wasn't irked by it..I understand she's a pirate but must she always speak like one?! The other thing that bothered me a little was the cover. It was a bit ...hm..the only word that I can come up with is cheesy. That chick's outfit is NOT proper space attire. (sarcasm) Seriously though, it did make it difficult to read this book outside of the confines of my house.

See the booty?! Not that it's an ugly one but still...taking a book outside in public with a half naked chick on the cover isn't something I do often nor do I enjoy! BUT you do know the old saying of "never judge a book by it's cover," right? Yeah..don't do that with this one.
You will enjoy yourself. I sure did! I will give it a 3.5/5 and a suggestion that you pick it up and give it a shot! Just if you are like me try to get a book cover to go with it! ;)
Other blogs on the tour:
Thursday, May 6
Book reviewed at Carol’s Notebook
Friday, May 7
Interviewed at Beyond the Books
Monday, May 10
Interviewed at Pump Up Your Book
Tuesday, May 11
Book spotlighted at Examiner
Wednesday, May 12
Interviewed at Blogcritics
Thursday, May 13
Guest blogging at Cafe of Dreams
Friday, May 14
Guest blogging at SSF Insider
Monday, May 17
Book reviewed at The Distracted Librarian
Tuesday, May 18
Guest blogging at The Naked Hero
Wednesday, May 19
Interviewed at Book Marketing Buzz
Thursday, May 20
Interviewed at Literarily Speaking
Friday, May 21
Book reviewed at Star Shadow
Monday, May 24
Book reviewed at Jen’s Book Talk
Tuesday, May 25
Guest blogging at Fantasy Pages
Wednesday, May 26
Book reviewed at Books and Movies Reviews
Thursday, May 27
Book reviewed at The Wayfaring Writer
Friday, May 28
Guest blogging at Literarily Speaking
Tuesday, June 1
Guest blogging at Beyond the Books
Wednesday, June 2
Guest blogging at Cafe of Dreams
Thursday, June 3
Book reviewed at Deb’s Book Bag
Friday, June 4
Interviewed at Working Writers
Monday, June 7
Book reviewed at Freda’s Voice
Tuesday, June 8
Book reviewed at The Cajun Book Lady
Wednesday, June 9
Interviewed on Introducing Writers Radio Show
Thursday, June 10
Guest blogging at Blogging Authors
Friday, June 11
Guest blogging at The Book Connection
Monday, June 14
Tuesday, June 15
Interviewed at Examiner
Wednesday, June 16
Book reviewed at Faithful Finances
Thursday, June 17
Interviewed on A Book and a Chat Radio Show
Friday, June 18
Book reviewed at Books R Us
Monday, June 21
Guest blogging at The Story Behind the Book
Tuesday, June 22
Wednesday, June 23
Book reviewed at Brizmus Blogs Books
Thursday, June 24
Friday, June 25
Book reviewed at Pick of the Literate