Love Unfinished
of Fire, Book One
Paranormal erotic romance
only want what’s theirs, however it is that they get it.
two decades ago, an attack on The Clan of Cobalt left families of
dragons in ruins; now, with the clans able to start rebuilding their
lives, history is beginning to rewrite, one dragon and one mate at a
Heartview spent a year running from the past she can’t forget and
it’s about to catch up in the form of Holden Levy. When he suddenly
disappeared, she was devastated, but now he’s back. Even if she
can’t deny their connection, the man who returned is vastly
different from the one who left.
Holden’s secrets uncovered, the Alpha dragon inside the man is
demanding for its mate to be claimed, but there’s danger lurking
close by. Still, his abandonment is a monster she can’t shake. Can
she forgive to restart their life, and if she does, can Dani handle
exactly what it means to be a dragon’s mate?
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is a Canadian author, lover, and mother of two young sons, two cats,
and two dogs.
With a fulltime job, her children underfoot, animals at
her side, and a spouse calling over his
shoulder, she is nearly
always writing something…when she can find the time.
away from me,” I hissed. “You have no right to be here.”
broke through on his handsome features, marring it with sadness as my
eyes blurred with unshed tears. “Please, Dani…”
saying my name.” My voice was rising to an unhealthy octave. My
heart was pounding at a too fast pace. Why would he be here? He had
to have known I wouldn’t want him here. “Stop sharing my fucking
air. For God sakes, get out of my space, Holden.”
didn’t even glance back at his friend. “Shut up, Duran.” There
was a timber in his tone, something else I didn’t recognize from
the man standing before me. I felt wetness drip down my cheeks. “Oh,
Dani, please don’t cry…I didn’t come here to make you cry,
“Who in the hel—”
Jade was out of the kitchen and rushing over to my side. She barely
noted the men or my heartbroken expression. That, or she mistook it
for the pain of the coffee spill. “Did you get burned?”
fine.” Those words were the biggest lie I’d ever spoken.
not,” Holden replied quietly. “Could you get a cool cloth and the
first aid kit, if you have one?”
fine,” I repeated. “Jade, could you handle these guys, please?”
I swear to God if you don’t walk out of this place right now and
never look back, I will…” I couldn’t finish my sentence because
there wasn’t anything I didn’t already feel for him. Hate. Love.
Desire. Disgust. I felt all of that. With him being so close, it only
served to make me more confused. Defeated, air rushed from my lungs,
in a harsh exhale. “Leave, right now.”
appeared lost. “Um…okay, I’m going to grab the first aid.
You’re going to stay here and sit down.”
smiled at Jade when no one responded. “Thanks, sweetheart.”
hadn’t taken his eyes off me. When he moved forward, I backed up.
“Don’t come any closer. I don’t want you near me.”
pulled Holden’s full lips into a frown. “Let me explain.”
told you this wouldn’t be the best place to approach her,” Duran
said. “We should have waited.”
don’t have that kind of time.”
haven’t you left?” I asked, feeling a seething rage beginning to
take over my initial shock and pain. “Have I not made it clear
enough yet that you’re not welcomed?”
made it clear.” Holden’s gaze flickered up to the ceiling, a tick
showing in his strong jaw. “But it’s not that simple. One minute,
Dani. That’s all I’m asking for. After all we were, don’t you
owe me that?”
My hands trembled. The sudden burst of fury and courage that swept
over me was all consuming. I stepped up to him and slammed my fist
into his chest. Holden barely flinched and the action hurt me a great
deal more than it must have him, but emotional pain registered in his
eyes. “I
owe you.
Are you fucking insane? You left me, Holden. Left me in Tennessee
with nothing. Not a goddamned explanation, not a goodbye…nothing!”
hit him in the chest again, disbelief coursing through me. “How
could you ever say that I owe you after everything you did to me? I
waited for months. I called your phone every day. I texted, emailed,
and left messages until your inbox was full. You could have been dead
if not for that stupid note. I defended you when it was clear you
didn’t want me anymore … Once, Holden. All you had to do was
answer me back just once! You up and walked away from me, from our
home, and our life without a single care in the world. And you have
the audacity to say that I owe you anything?”
not…” he growled, face suddenly mere inches from mine, “…say
that I just walked away from you, Dani. I never would have walked
away from you like that had I been given the choice. Ever.”
response only served to fuel my rage. “Well, excuse me for living.
What would you call me waking up to an empty house, with a note on
the counter, and no you to be seen again, exactly?”
clouded his face. “What did that note say, Dani?”
calm down.” Duran was up off the bench, a hand on his friend’s
shuddering arm. Rippling tension flowed between the men, but my
former lover and fiancé didn’t register the one person attempting
to help the situation. No, his focus was solely on me. “Come on,
we’ll do this another time.”
won’t do it ever again,” I spat hatefully.
I will. I have
to. I can’t be me without you.” That confession struck me like a
knife in the chest, the blade twisting painfully. Holden breathed
deeply, the fight suddenly gone from his body as quickly as it came.
“I will always come back for you. I lo—”
you don’t. You never did. If you had, this…” I said with a wave
at us, “…wouldn’t have happened.”
My Review:
Alrighty, I'll just state the obvious and say that this isn't my usual choice for a read. I read the blurb and was intrigued so I went for it. Jumped right on in, and that is how this book starts out. The story just starts. It took a bit to get used to, but looking back I really liked that. There wasn't a heafty info dump at the beginning you just are let into Dani's life and you're off to a running start.
I was even surprised by how much I enjoyed the Dragon aspect. Dragons are just cool so this was a unique take on that! I have to say I have very little to complain about with this one. The writing is tight, the characters were interesting and vivid, and the plot just well..at times it was smoking hot and at others it was riveting!
I had fun reading it and would definitely check out the rest of the series!
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