Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Mid-Week Check In


Hullo! So this week is chugging along well! I didn't do a Monday post, simply because the books I'm working through are the same this week too. 

So far so good: I've finished up The Fellowship of the Ring and have gotten a dent in The Two Towers. 

My goals this week:

  • Finish the Two Towers
  • Get a nice chunk into A Christmas Carol 
  • Try to squeeze in some Crime and Punishment (I realllly want to finish this book this year!
Real life stuff has been a bit stressful. I have a very ill family member that I'm helping to take care of. My work schedule has changed plus it's the holiday season. So STRESSSSSSSS! But I want to hit my goals! 

How's your week going? 

Wednesday, November 23, 2022

2022 Yuletide Spirit Reading Challenge and Readathon! (UPDATED 12/15)

Dates: November 21, 2022 through January 6, 2023

Three ways to participate:

  1. Challenge - Pick a level
  2. Readathon - read as much (or as little) as you want
  3. Participate in both!
Reading Challenge Levels:
--Candy Cane
: read 1 book
--Mistletoe: read 2-4 books
--Christmas Tree: read 5 or 6 books, or more (this is the fanatic level!)

Additional levels:

--Fa La La La Films: watch a bunch or a few Christmas's up to you!
--Visions of Sugar Plums: read books with your children this season and share what you read

So I will say that I usually DON'T read Christmas-y books. It's not that I'm all "bah humbug" about the holiday it's just not my thing. HOWEVER, since I want to up my reading game before the end of the year, I figured why not? So here is how I'm gonna do it.

Gonna aim for Mistletoe Level

Book I'm Aiming to Read:
  • A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens (my christmas entry)
  • (Finish) Lord of the Rings
  • (Finish) American Gods
  • (Finish) Crime and Punishment
  • (Finish) Elantris 
I have a few others but for now that is my list! I may "try" to get more in! 

I know I'm a little tardy to the party but this should be fun! I'll keep updates rolling out! 


I have finished:
The Fellowship of the Ring
The Two Towers

I am currently going to split my reading time between The Return of the King and A Christmas Carol. 

I do not think that I can fit the other three in but I will give it my best shot! 

UPDATE 12/15
I have finished A Christmas Carol (post is coming on 12/16)

I am starting up The Return of the King and continuing Crime and Punishment! 

Monday, November 21, 2022

It's Monday! What Is On Your TBR?


I'm plowing through the LoTRs series! I've always wanted to read the books, but never got a chance. My fiancé had a copy (mine now mwahaha) of the complete trilogy in one volume and so I had no excuse! This is going towards my goal of 5 books read by the end of the year! 

I'll also take breaks to pick up Crime and Punishment and American Gods so that I can maybe squeeze in more reading, but LoTRs will be my focus this week!

 So what's on your reading agenda this week? 

Hello Again! It'sa Me Mario!


I'm back! Did you miss me? (don't answer that!) Anyway, I've been busy with "life stuff" so I haven't been the best bookworm I can be! But I'm bound and determined to change all that! I'm getting back in the book review game! I've got a small goal set to finish up 2022, but then it's back on when the New Year kicks off! 

What I am planning for this here blog:

  • Reviews again (duh) but mostly books I own or borrow. I might consider doing some book review tours, but probably not any promo tours. And I'll be a bit more selective with what I agree to review. 
  • Life stuff. I'll sprinkle in a few updates on what I'm up to and what I'm thinking about here and there. Maybe even a few videos too!
  • Challenges! I want to really up my reading game in 2023, so if the world doesn't come to a fiery end then I plan on reading at least 100 books this next year!
So why did I post a picture of the LoTR series? Well that's what I want to finish by the end of the year. I have been such a bad bookworm this year, so my goal (mentioned up top) is to finish up 5 books by December 31st! The LoTRs complete set that I'm reading from is 3 books. I have 2 other books that I'd like to finish up as well. 

The other two are: 
  • Crime and Punishment
  • American Gods
I will try to post again regularly, and will be adding reviews as I go. I'll aim for at least 2 book reviews per month and I'm thinking bi-weekly reading/life updates. 

That's it for now, I  hope you all have a great week!