Jacob Logan returns to the small North Carolina town of Maryfield five years after his mother's death. Logan, whose business venture in Boston has just failed, is looking for a change of pace, and hopes to find some meaning by taking up temporary residence in the house he grew up in. A series of bizarre occurrences soon threaten that hope: his furniture and most of his possessions are incinerated in a highway explosion; his car is stolen, only to reappear and almost run him down; and he gets creepy vibes from the house's caretaker, who had carried a torch for Logan's mother. The most disturbing manifestation of a supernatural presence comes from the fireflies, who refuse to cross into Logan's property and who die when he brings them over the invisible boundary. Dansky convincingly portrays Logan's isolation and terror, and subtly gives glimpses of the forces arrayed against him.
My Review:
This book is pretty darn good! The best thing about this book is that it's story isn't the typical cliched "ghost story." I loved the firefly angle, and how subtly scary the atmosphere is. This isn't a BOO! you're terrified story but it is scary. (I hope that makes sense?) You are on edge throughout the whole thing! You don't know who is the bad guy and who is the good guy, or girl. Each character was well done and well crafted. I loved each one's reaction to the events that took place. The story rolled quite nicely and didn't drag at all anywhere. The background history was well thought out, too. Basically this is a great thriller that kept me reading and trying to piece together what was going on!
The cover art is darn pretty too! It's got that whole creepy/beautiful vibe to it that I love! It really captured the mood of the book!
All in all this book gets a 3.5/5 rating!
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sounds good. i'm curious about the bizare-ness.
ReplyDeletebtw: you've just been awarded
This book truly gave me the creeps. After I finished reading it, the paper shredder started turning on and off by itself and I was home alone!