Saturday, July 8, 2023

Weekend Things-Reading Plans and Life Things


Today is Saturday (duh Melissa), and I have work. A LOT of it today and a little bit of it tomorrow. So, so I'm not expecting to get a whole lotta reading done, HOWEVER, I do not work every moment of the weekend...sooo there's time to squash some reading into the mix. I've been doing that thing where when you get off work all you wanna do is just turn of the brain nugget and relax, so I've been zoning into Sims 4 and making my poor Sims do things. FOR HOURS. Then I look up and it's time to go to bed. So productive. It's crazy how addictive that game is. Plus it like fantasy wish fulfillment. My Sims can stay at home, play with their plants, and make a fortune doing it. Sigh. The life. They don't appreciate their God. 

Anyways, this weekend I will institute a Sim's ban...or at least a Sim's limit...(addiction speaking) and focus more on reading to unwind. 

I am going to chug away at Prophecy by Elizabeth Haydon. So hopefully by mid-week next week I'll have a review up for you on that! So far I am loving this series and these characters, so unless something changes by the end of the book I'll be moving right along to the 3rd book in the OG series. (There's apparently 6 other books after this)

(Trigger Warning, Diet, Fitness, etc) 

K, so the title of this post also includes Life Things, so here they be. I am trying to lose weight as well as all my other lofty goals (ahem...books read challenge) and so far this is the one that's been slightly the easiest. I won't inflict upon you pictures of myself, as I do like you all. However, I am serious business about this lately. So just to paint a word picture for you, I am: 42 years old, 5'0 and started at 145lbs (some odd ozs). I am not nor have ever been obese or further, however us short gals do not carry extra weight all that well. Now I do not truck with the BMI scale because I think it's a bunch of dumb hooey but it tells me that at my height I should be in the 95-117 range. Alrighty, well when I did weigh 95lbs in my 20's I looked like a sickly waif...which sadly at that time was the look I was going for (goth stage) but I don't think it would look all that good on me now. So my personal target weight is about 120lbs. 

My method to madness, Keto and Intermittent Fasting. I have done Keto many a time and have seen results but my laziness always creeps in. I've been doing Keto for almost 2 weeks (this upcoming friday I believe marks the 3rd week. I'm currently sitting at 138lbs (and some ozs). I am like so many people out there that rely on food for comfort (and it is, don't get me wrong I love food) but I have used it as a crutch for so long. Intermittent Fasting has helped me to deal with those triggers that have me stuffing my gob when I'm upset, bored, or whatever instead of waiting until I'm actually hungry to eat. Plus, it's helped me recognize actual hunger instead of say...boredom or just plain thirstiness. I am also wearing my fitness watch (cheap amazon knockoff) to track my steps. It's really eye opening to see how little I was moving everyday, and kind of a rush to hit my step goal. Anyhoo, I'm not preaching these things just explaining how and why I'm doing them. 

So far so good. I have also been mindfully tracking everything that I eat. Seeing it in "writing" really does put it into perspective. Like, did I really want that little debbie snack cake to go on my permanent record? Did I really need that 4th slice of pizza? Stuff like that. 

Another thing: 

Writing, I did sign up for the July Camp NaNo but I have hit a stumbling block and it's fizzled out. I think I'm going to scrap that idea and try to get another one going. So I think that's my way of saying...I quit July Camp. I'm still going to write, but I think it will be a thing I do everyday instead of a challenge? I don't know. There's still plenty of July left so that's up in the air for now. 

Another thing: 

I have some review tours coming up for the blog. I'm just letting you guys know what's up. I've already had some promo style posts and will do more but I won't "junk" up the blog with too many PR style posts. I just like helping writers out with exposure when I can. :) 

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