Monday, July 31, 2023

Monday Things (books and stuff)


Howdy folks in bookland! It's the start of a new week and you know what that means? A check in! More reading plans! Woo hoo! I've had myself a great weekend, my son was here to visit and I had the weekend off to spend with him! So I'm ready to dive into a new week and distract myself with great bookish things! 

It's also about to be a fresh new month too! My goal this month is to read about 10 books! So there ya go! How many do you plan on getting in? 

Also, August is the start of the High Summer Readathon (I posted about it here) so if you want to join in with that you can! I decided that with this one I'm going to try to read a book that's not in my usual genre (thinking romance or something like that?)

It's also the start of a read-a-long that I have signed up for (info on that here) The House of the Spirits by Isabel Allende. 

Oh and you may notice that I'm posting more book promo stuffs...don't worry I am still reviewing books (both promotional stuff and my own personal reviews) I just really like helping out writers when I can! I'm trying to only accept promo stuff that I personally would read, so it's not going to be full on clutter! 

Okay so my stack of books this week are as such:

Now I won't get all of these read completely this week. The House of the Spirits reading selection is for this week and next, it's only a few chapters so that should be easy. 

So now it's your turn! What are you reading this week? 

New Release: Hel by Gitte Tamar (Book Promo)

Horror, Dark fantasy, psychological thriller, fiction, occult

Date Published: July 17, 2023


photo add-to-goodreads-button_zpsc7b3c634.png


After losing his job at a genomic research company, Joel worries about his ability to provide for his family, especially during the holiday season. Even more concerning is how his unemployment may affect his perfect image within the extremist community he has lived in since birth. Lured by the idea of a quick fix, he impulsively books a flight for himself and his family to Europe when the offer of a large inheritance arrives in his inbox. Confident that he knows best, Joel blindly trusts a stranger's invitation to return to the village of his ancestors to collect his birthright. But rather than wealth, they quickly discover that their lineage only possesses monstrous truths with deadly consequences.



 About the Author

Brigitte, "Gitte," Tamar was born in a small rural Oregon town. Growing up, she was enthralled by scary tales featuring poetic tones and consistently gravitated towards writing darkened narratives. In the different storylines, Brigitte explores the harsh realities of social issues faced by today's generations. This includes the dark outcomes brought on by peer pressure, addiction, homelessness, mental illness, childhood trauma, and abuse. She feels it is essential to share narratives that refrain from sugarcoating the topics society tends to shy away from.


Contact Links








Purchase Link


RABT Book Tours & PR

Thursday, July 27, 2023

Prophecy by Elizabeth Haydon (Review)

From Amazon:
In Elizabeth Haydon's
 Rhapsody, a fellowship was forged--three companions who, through great adversity, became a force to be reckoned with: Rhapsody the Singer; Achmed the assassin-king; and Grunthor, the giant Sergeant-Major.

Driven by a prophetic vision, Rhapsody races to rescue a religious leader while Achmed and Grunthor seek the F'dor--an ancient and powerful demon. These companions may be destined to fulfill The Prophecy of the Three, but their time is running short. They must find their elusive enemy before his darkness consumes them all.

My Thoughts:

Oh geez, I do so love this series! It just keeps getting better and better with each book. I do have some teeeny tiny little grumps though, at least about this part, but I'll get into that after I tell you the good bits. This was a very long book ya'll! 

So the good: Rhapsody has really come into her own. She's learned more about her skills as a fighter, trained with the OG fighter-lady herself, and has become a badass. Her love interest/mystery dude is developed more. He's complicated ya'll, and I did like him for the most part. The mainline story itself was awesome. I loved that bit. (There's a few threads of story weaved into one main plot line). We got more backstory for Rhapsody, we learned who she really is. We learned what happened to her in her youth that made her who she is now. We learned about that damned Prophecy and now it makes sense. 

The not so good: We didn't get much time with Achmed and Gunthor, yes they were in it, but they didn't get the same treatment as Rhapsody. I really wanna know more about these dudes. I kinda feel like they are much more interesting that she is (though she is interesting don't get me wrong!). And Rhapsody, she's starting to get the vibes of a "Mary-Sue" though I hate that term. She's good at everything. Everyone loves her. She's the "chosen one" sometimes. She's so beautiful but she doesn't know it. etc. 

I will preface this by saying I am in no way a prude, HOWEVER, this book went heavy on the "love making" scenes. No they weren't explicit but it was pages and pages and pages....and I'm not reading a fantasy story for heaving bosoms ya'll! I'm after the swords and the magic! 

My final thoughts on Prophecy are that it was a good read, a very intriguing set up to the next book Destiny. I did have some issues with it in some ways but all in all I had a great time! 

Wednesday, July 26, 2023

High Summer Readathon Hosted by Seasons of Reading

I have signed up and you should too! It's a month-long, no pressure Readathon! Let's send Summer out with a nice big hurrah! 

I'll post my TBR stack in a few days, I'm thinking I'll aim for about 10 books! Going to grab some that I have wanted to read but never got around to reading this time! Plus, I'm sure there will be a few review books in the mix. 

Oh, and I'm thinking about trying out a few genres that I don't normally dive into. (ex-Romance, etc)

Got any suggestions? 

If'n you want to sign up, just click the graphic for the readathon and join in with us! 

Tuesday, July 25, 2023

The House at the End of the World by Dean Koontz (review)

From Amazon: 
In retreat from a devastating loss and crushing injustice, Katie lives alone in a fortresslike stone house on Jacob’s Ladder island. Once a rising star in the art world, she finds refuge in her painting.The neighboring island of Ringrock houses a secret: a government research facility. And now two agents have arrived on Jacob’s Ladder in search of someone—or something—they refuse to identify. Although an air of menace hangs over these men, an infinitely greater threat has arrived, one so strange even the island animals are in a state of high alarm.Katie soon finds herself in an epic and terrifying battle with a mysterious enemy. But Katie’s not alone after all: a brave young girl appears out of the violent squall. As Katie and her companion struggle across a dark and eerie landscape, against them is an omnipresent terror that could bring about the end of the world.

My thoughts:
I have read a very few of Koontz's novels in the past. I grabbed this one because the description obviously pulled me in. I liked Katie. She's a badass but not a Linda Hamilton in the Terminator movies type of badass. She knows her limits, but she works with what she has to keep herself safe. I loved how Koontz wove her backstory in slowly, bit by bit. You get a feel for her as a person before you learn her history and what made her the way that she is. 

Also, I'm kind of envious of her set up. She's got her own island, she's got solitude but she's also got peace..or at least it seems she does. Something she relishes, until something happens that changes that. 
Her peace is disrupted in a very startling and scary way. Instead of fleeing in terror, she kicks into badass overdrive and gets ready. Digging in her heels for whatever is coming. 

I liked the odd mix of genres in this book. There's the overarching story of a woman dealing with her past trauma, an almost crime drama (in the past) and a very fun scifi/horror element thrown in the mix too. And I have to say it is blended together perfectly! 

This was a fun read, quick (which says a lot considering who I am) and very engaging. I highly recommend it if you are looking for something a bit different that straight up horror!

Monday, July 24, 2023

Weekly Reading Plans


It's Monday folks and you know what that means!? Time to post the bookish delights that I am planning on sinking my teeth into this week! I've got a couple of review books and another in a series! I'm excited about these very much!

I also have a review coming up (check back tomorrow) for a book I read during  the weekend's Reverse Readathon! And later in the week another review from that same event! 

So what's on my menu this week? Lemme show you!

So tell me about your plans this week, what are you looking forward to cracking into? 

Saturday, July 22, 2023

Of Wings & Shadows by Kyoko M. (Book Blitz & Giveaway)


Will they succeed against their competition, 

or will the dragons of the Wild Hunt be too wild to tame?

Of Wings and Shadows

Of Cinder and Bone #5.5

by Kyoko M.

Genre: Science Fiction, Contemporary Fantasy

In a modern-day world teeming with marauding dragons, there is only one solution: The Wild Hunt.

The United States government has decided to hold a tournament called The Wild Hunt to determine who will be responsible for the capture of wild dragons by the Knight Division. The four challengers Noah Wilson, Charlie Howard, Su Jin Han, and Beowulf have to catch five deadly dragons alive if they want to win the tournament and become the new Knight Division dragon hunters. Their journey will take them through the mountains of South Carolina, the seas of Key West, the caverns of Ruby Falls, the Redwood forest, and finally, the murky bayous of Louisiana. Will they succeed against their competition, or will the dragons of the Wild Hunt be too wild to tame?

Of Wings and Shadows is the sixth book in the Of Cinder and Bone series. It takes place in medias res of Book Five, Of Claws and Inferno. It follows Of Cinder and Bone, Of Blood and Ashes, Of Dawn and Embers, and Of Fury and Fangs.

**New Release!!**

Amazon * Apple * Kobo * Smashwords * Books2Read * Bookbub * Goodreads

**Don't miss the rest of the series here!**

**Get started on the first book FREE!!**

Add them on Goodreads

Buy on Amazon

Kyoko M is a USA Today bestselling author, a fangirl, and an avid book reader. She has written the Amazon bestselling Black Parade urban fantasy series as well as the Of Cinder and Bone science-fiction dragon hunting series. She has a Bachelor of Arts in English Lit degree from the University of Georgia, which gave her every valid excuse to devour book after book with a concentration in Greek mythology and Christian mythology. When not working feverishly on a manuscript (or two), she can be found buried under her Dashboard on Tumblr, or chatting with fellow nerds on Twitter, or curled up with a good Harry Dresden novel on a warm Georgia night. Like any author, she wants nothing more than to contribute something great to the best profession in the world, no matter how small.

Website * Facebook * Twitter * Instagram * Bookbub * Amazon * Goodreads

Follow the tour HERE for special content and a giveaway!

$10 Amazon giftcard,

Of Wings and Shadows ebook

-1 winner each!


Friday, July 21, 2023

Reverse Readathon-Starting Line/Update Post


I am super excited that I am able to participate in this one! Lately I've been working through most of a big chunk of the last few readathons (because they typically start in the morning) but this one will start 7pm (my time tonight!) I will still have work but I will stay up late tonight and also include Sunday into mine! My saturday shifts are broken up into two, so there's some in-between time to cram in some reading. I will be ingesting SO MUCH caffeine lol

Here's my stack: 

I am of course already reading Prophecy and a book on my kindle (The House at the End of the World) but I think these selections (plus whatever is on my kindle) are a good grazing selection.

I will not make it all night long tonight but I am excited to get a good bit read.

I will most likely update in chunks of 1-2 hours a piece. I will only use this post to update. 

Block 1 7pm-9pm

Book: The House at the End of the World by Dean Koontz (ebook) 

Pages:  Starting page: 153 

Pages:  Ending page: 272

Total Pages Read: 119 pages 

Notes:  Got coffee and water, will try to hold off on snackage til later for a little extra boost of energy. 

I am loving this book. It didn't completely pull me in at first, but after it got going I was entranced. It's got that great mix of horror, human drama, science-y fiction and some humor that is just awesomeballs. I am a slow reader but I am clipping through this one pretty quickly. I may even finish it by the end of next block. 

Block 2 9pm-10pm

Book:  The House at the End of the World

Pages: Starting Page: 272

Pages: Ending Page: 342

Total Pages Read:  70 pages

Notes: I can't hang any longer, my eyeballs were starting to cross. I even tried a little shakey butt dancing to get my blood flowing, but alas. I am off to bed. I will get up early in the morning to resume reading. 

Block 3 Saturday 6:30-9:30

Book:The House at the End of the World

Pages: Starting page 342

Finished 1st Book (HatEotW) 407

Book Read: Prophecy 

Started Page: 232

Pages: Ending page: 254

Total Pages Read: 23

Notes: Good morning! It's 6:25am CST here and I am wide awake, getting caffeinated, fed my furry children and have myself a breakfast cookie..okay it's just a normal cookie but it's breakfast time! So that counts! I'm working today so this first block is going to be pre-work, then I have a 10-12 shift then a 2 hour break (expect a block of at least 1 hour then) then it's 2pm-6pm. Afterwards I'm on full blast reading mode until Sunday evening. 

Block 4 12:30-1:30pm

Book:  Prophecy

Pages:  Starting page: 254

Pages:  Ending page: 277

Total Pages Read: 23 pages

Notes: Kind of had too many distractions this block. I'm about to start my last shift of the weekend, so once i'm done I'm going to take a short nap and then get back into reading. 

Block 5 7:30-9:30

Book:  Prophecy

Pages:  Starting page: 277

Pages:  Ending page: 333

Total Pages Read:  56 pages

Notes: I am continuing my readathon into tomorrow. I won't be able to stay up all night tonight, but I will try to stay up as late as I can. Prophecy is very good, but I find myself reading slower when it's a fantasy novel. I think the descriptions are what slow me down a bit, everything in a fantasy novel is so vividly detailed, etc. I like to slow down and paint it all in my head. 

Block 6 10-11pm

Book:  Prophecy

Pages:  Starting page: 333

Pages:  Ending page: 375

Total Pages Read:  42 pages

Notes: Okay that's me, ready for bed. Will get up early-ish to get back into it. 

Block 7 SUNDAY 7am-9am

Book:  Prophecy

Pages:  Starting page: 375

Pages:  Ending page: 427

Total Pages Read:  52 pages

Notes: I've had a chill morning, but now I'm taking a short break to get some cleaning done. Sunday is my "get all the things" done day so I will condense all my wacky shenanigans into about an hour or so. 

I will be back to read more. 

Block 8 SUNDAY 11:1pm

Book:  Prophecy

Pages:  Starting page: 427

Pages:  Ending page: 473

Total Pages Read:  46 pages

Block 9 SUNDAY 2 4:30-End

Book:  Prophecy

Pages:  Starting page: 473

Pages:  Ending page: 697

Total Pages Read: 224 pages

Total Pages Read: 873 

Total Books: Two 

Thursday, July 20, 2023

Warlock At Law by R.L. Baranowski (Blog Tour-Review and Giveaway)

I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on the WARLOCK AT LAW by R.L. Baranowski Blog Tour hosted by Rockstar Book Tours. Check out my post and make sure to enter the giveaway!


About The Book:


Author: R.L. Baranowski

Pub. Date: February 13, 2023

Publisher: Pixie Wolf Publishing, LLC

Formats: Paperback, eBook

Pages: 324

Find it: Goodreads

Attorney Alistair Burke has been newly hired to represent supernaturals who find themselves in legal trouble in the state of Wisconsin. His first major client is a shapeshifter on trial for a murder he didn’t commit, an already tough job further complicated because Alistair must defend his client while preventing mundane humans from discovering supernaturals live among them.

The case turns out to be the tip of the iceberg– the first move in a slaver's plot to capture and kill local supernaturals, using their life energy to power his own necromantic magic.

Although Alistair is by no means ready to deal with the situation, he will not allow his friends to die….



From the start I knew I would love this book! Alistair is a very interesting character and very well written. He's funny, smart, a bit of a goof in some ways, and just fun to ride along with. There's lawyer'ing, supernatural elements, a bit of a mystery..and just witty dialogue through this book. I found myself actually chuckling out loud at a few spots and frantically flipping pages to find out what happened next. I really did enjoy this book and would love to read more by this author. I do hope there are more installments of the Threshold Covenant Series in the future! 

This is definitely a recommend! 


About R.L. Baranowski:

The authors are a pair of self-described “nerds with social skills” with a shared passion of reading, science fiction and fantasy. They have been married for twenty-four years.

Robert Baranowski is trained as an attorney, and he currently practices in the areas of civil and criminal litigation, trademarks and copyrights, estate planning, and disability law. He is currently licensed to practice in Wisconsin and in the 7th Federal District. Laura Baranowski has a Masters of Science in Journalism from the University of Wisconsin, and has worked extensively in the Department of Biochemistry and for the State of Wisconsin as a grant specialist.

They own a consulting business (Baranowski Associates, LLC) in which they assist high-tech businesses obtain research funds, primarily in the medical and technical fields.

They have both had a lifelong love of science fiction and fantasy, and both have written fiction as a hobby since they were children. Within the last ten years, they have attended fiction-writing seminars taught by professional writers such as Lori Devoti, Jim Butcher, Nancy Kress, and Walter Jon Williams.

They have two adult sons and a sixteen-year-old daughter who lives at home and livens up their life. They also have a pair of fluffy white fur-children (miniature American Eskimo dogs) named Pikachu and Pippin.


Website | Twitter | Instagram | Goodreads | Amazon


Giveaway Details:

3 winners will receive a WARLOCK AT LAW swag keychain, US Only.

3 winners will receive an eBook of WARLOCK AT LAW, International.

Ends August 1st, midnight EST.

Tour Schedule:

Week One:



IG Post



IG Post



IG Post/TikTok Post


Must Read Faster




IG Review

Week Two:


Fyrekatz Blog




IG Review



IG Review/TikTok Post



IG Review


JB's Bookworms with Brandy Mulder


Wednesday, July 19, 2023

West of Sundown Vol. 2 by Tim Seeley & Aaron Campbell w/Jim Terry (Blog Tour)

I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on the WEST OF SUNDOWN Vol. 2 by Tim Seeley & Aaron Campbell, Jim Terry Blog Tour hosted by Rockstar Book Tours. Check out my post and make sure to enter the giveaway!


About The Book:

Title: WEST OF SUNDOWN Vol. 2: Youthful Blasphemy

Author: Tim Seeley & Aaron Campbell, Jim Terry (Illustrations)

Pub. Date: July 25, 2023

Publisher: Vault Comics

Formats: Paperback, eBook

Pages: 144

Find it: Goodreads

From Dusk Till Dawn and American Vampire meet The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen in this terrifying tale of the Old West, survival, blood, and monsters.

La Sangre es la Vida

The New Mexico town of Sangre De Moro has accepted its strange new residents: beautiful vampire Constance Der Abend, her thrall, Frankenstein's monster, and the would-be mad scientist, Griffin. But a new threat has come for the evil-saturated soil of the mesa: Dr. Moreau and his strange companions.

West of Sundown – where Hammer Horror and literary monsters stake their claim in old New Mexico.

A Western tale of survival starring a cast of literary horrors from the diabolical minds of Tim Seeley (Hack/Slash, Vampire: The Masquerade, Money Shot), Aaron Campbell (Hellblazer, Infidel), and Jim Terry (Vampirella, Come Home, Indio)!

For fans of WestworldRed Dead RedemptionAmerican VampireThe League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, Hammer Horror films, Universal monsters, and Preacher!

Collects the entire second arc, issues #6-#10, of the smash-hit series!

"If you like your horse operas bloody, if you thought The Searchers was fine, except for all the missing vampires and werewolves and monsters, then … Tim Seeley, Aaron Campbell, and Jim Terry have a book here for you. Come walk with them through the Old West, and don’t trust them when they tell you it’s all going to be fine. It’s not. And we wouldn’t have it any other way.” --Stephen Graham Jones (New York Times bestselling author of The Only Good IndiansMy Heart is a Chainsaw and Don't Fear the Reaper)

"Vigorous, bloody pulp fiction boned with fierce intelligence and blooded with delicate observation. This just might be the start of the best monster universe since Universal's." -- Daniel Kraus (New York Times bestselling author of The Shape of Water, Trollhunters, and The Autumnal)

“Western gets weird in this gore-strewn, rollicking adventure set in the 1870s …with a wink toward gothic Victorian horror.” – Publishers Weekly (Starred Review)




About Tim Seeley:

TIM SEELEY is one of those “slash” people…a writer-slash-artist. He has drawn a number of different comic book series including G.I JOE, HALLOWEEN, WILDCATS and ANT-MAN & WASP. His writing work include NIGHTWING, MONEY SHOT , INJUSTICE v. MASTERS OF THE UNIVERSE ,the critically acclaimed REVIVAL, and the NY TIMES bestselling HACK/SLASH. He resides in Chicago, Illinois with his wife, daughter and 80s action figure collection.        Hometown:  Chicago, IL

Website | Twitter | Instagram | Goodreads | Amazon | BookBub


About Aaron Campbell:

Aaron Campbell has been working as a comics artist for a decade, and is now the co-writer of Vault Comics horror title, West of Sundown.  During his time in comics, he’s illustrated the adventures of some of the world’s most iconic characters, including Hellblazer, Batman, Harley Quinn, The Shadow, Green Hornet, Sherlock Holmes, James Bond, and Infidel, working with such revered writers as Garth Ennis, Matt Wagner, James Robinson, and Andy Diggle.              Hometown:  Albuquerque, NM


Website | Instagram | Goodreads


About Jim Terry:

JIM TERRY is a Native American comic book artist who’s memoir Come Home, Indio was a finalist for the LA Times Book Prize and the Ignatz, as well as the artist on such titles as THE CROW, HACK/SLASH, HEAVY METAL and more. He is currently working on WEST OF SUNDOWN from Vault Comics. He lives in Chicago with his 4 cats.

Website | Twitter | Facebook | Instagram | Goodreads


Giveaway Details:

2 winners will receive a finished copy of WEST OF SUNDOWN Vol. 1 & WEST OF SUNDOWN Vol. 2, US Only.

Ends August 15th, midnight EST.

Tour Schedule:

Week One:


Writer of Wrongs



Sadie's Spotlight

Excerpt/IG Post


Must Read Faster

Excerpt/IG Post



Review/IG Post


Two Chicks on Books

Excerpt/IG Post



IG Review/LFL Drop Pic

Week Two:


#BRVL Book Review Virginia Lee Blog

Excerpt/IG Post


Ramblings of a Coffee Addicted Writer

Review/IG Post


The Book Countess

Review/IG Post


A Dream Within A Dream

Excerpt/IG Post



IG Review


Country Mamas With Kids

Review/IG Post


A Blue Box Full of Books

IG Review/LFL Drop Pic/TikTok Post

Week Three:



Review/IG Post



Review/IG Post



IG Review





Lifestyle of Me



Locks, Hooks and Books



Kim's Book Reviews and Writing Aha's

Review/IG Post

Week Four:


Brandi Danielle Davis

Review/IG Post



IG Review/TikTok Post


Two Points of Interest




IG Review/TikTok Post



IG Review



IG Review