Friday, November 25, 2016

Release Blitz: Liah by Lola White #PNR

liah-rb-banner liah-2000x3000Synopsis
She’s an empathic warrior who refuses to feel her own emotions. He’s an abomination hiding his truth within the robes of a priest.
When Liah travels to Red Leaf City to investigate a group of clergymen she believes might be corrupted beyond forgiveness, she meets Father Anthony Angelli, a man who sends her suspicions—and her libido—into overdrive. He’s hiding something, but Liah can’t find any evidence of wrongdoing and she’s got her own issues to deal with.
Tony can’t drop the matter. Refusing to let his colleagues get away with their crimes, he starts his own investigation, dragging Liah back to town even as he vows not to fall to the temptation she embodies. Unfortunately, his interference puts them both on display at a wicked gathering, and the only way to get out alive is to expose the truth—then pray for mercy.

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Happy Thanksgiving! #Tometopple Update and Joining #Thankfullyreading #Readathons

First things first...HAPPY THANKSGIVING everyone!

Friday you can start doing your Christmas shizzle, but for now it's the Turkey's time!

Anyhoo, My #TomeTopple readathon update is as such...I FINISHED A BOOK! I finished Illunimae all 599 pages of it! Yas!

I'm onwards to The Fires Of Heaven and I'm currently on page 77 out of 963! Will I finish by Dec. 2nd...MWAHAHAH that's a laugh, but I'll try!

Which leads me to this...
I am school free (for two weeks) and have the day off  tomorrow. I'm not going anywhere, nor am I cooking anything extravagant. We are breaking tradition and having some fancy ass Thanksgiving Tacos!

So I've decided to double up on my reading fun! How exciting, right?

Since #Tometopple is running until Dec. 2nd, I'm going to read from my big ass book and switch to a shorter book here and there.

My TBR for #Thankfully is as follows:

  • The Walls Around Us by Nova Ren Suma
  • Queen of Shadows by Sarah J. Maas
I will aim for at least one of these "smaller" books as well as lots of reading from my bigun'

Good luck everyone and Happy Thanksgiving!  Eat yummy foods, have fun with family and oh yeah...don't forget..

Thursday, November 17, 2016

#TomeTopple is a Go!

Tome Topple begins on the 18th and lasts until December 1st. I thought for sure it was just a booktube/youtube thing, but I was super excited to find out that it was indeed for everyone and anyone!

So two weeks of reading GIANT ass books! I'm in! I aim to get at least one of these suckers done! I have 2 final projects for school and of course work, but I'm gonna chug my coffee and get one of them devoured!

What's my TBR? Here you go!

The Fires of Heaven by Robert Jordan
The Last Stormlord by Glenda Larke
Wildwood by Colin Meloy
Illuminae by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff

I already have book marks in at least 2 of those, so hopefully I can remember what the eff was going on when I pick it back up!

I will be posting updates here (but probably more on twitter) @lexley

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

The Trouble With Ghosts

The Trouble With Ghosts
A.L. Kessler
Publication date: November 7th 2016
Genres: New Adult, Urban Fantasy
Poltergeists, severed thumbs, and lies…

PIB agents Abigail Collins and Nick Averin are rattled when a handful of severed thumbs are found at an abandoned house, but neither of them expected it to link to a decades old murder with strange ties to the paranormal world. When Abby’s greatest enemy seems to be helping her from afar, it’s clear that there’s more to this case than the duo first believed.

Past cases come back to life…

Levi is avoiding questions and being even more vague than normal when a new vampire comes to town claiming to be on the case involving blood starved vampires. It’s a fight against time and lies for the two agents.
“I’ll give you a lift.” Mason glanced at me. “And you can fill me in on everything I’ve missed.”
I nodded. “Deal. I want to walk around the house first and see if I can find anything else that indicates where the basements or the entrances were.” I looked at the crumpled papers in my hand. “There’s something about this house that isn’t right.”
“You mean other than the multiple ghosts?” Mason shook his head. “Have you heard anything back on the thumbs?”
“Nope, I think our lab and system are still back logged.” I looked over at the group getting back to work searching for bones. “I think this case takes the cake for strangest one in a while.”
“We have multiple crimes, and PIB has nothing to go off of. Should you call back up in?” He glanced at me.
I knew what he meant, I didn’t meet his gaze. “Maybe. It’s possible my contact could shed some light on one of the biggest mysteries so far in this house.” I pressed my lips together. “Assuming all my contacts synced to my new phone, I can call him today. I don’t know if he’s in town, but the number he gave me is a U.S. number, not an international one.”
“Meaning, he’s not in Egypt where the Cult’s base is.” I started walking towards my car.
Mason walked with me. “And just where do you think you’re going?”
“To get my bag out of the wreckage. It currently has everything I own in it. I’d like to keep it.”
Mason walked with me in silence until we finally reached the car. We both slid down into the small crater towards the crunched up mess. My gaze went over the twisted metal and the shattered glass. Gray showed through where the paint had been scrapped off by debris and being banged into things. The wheels stuck up in the air reminding me of a helpless turtle that’d been flipped over. Mason was the one who finally reached in the car and pulled out my bag.
I shook off the glass that I could and wondered how much more I was going to be able to take. The meltdown last night had helped, but I hadn’t expected it to be followed up by my car being destroyed. “I’m going to need a new bag, nothing clings to fabric like auto glass.”
“Throw it in my truck for now and let’s walk the perimeter of the house.” He motioned back to the house and I stopped for a moment to take in the full picture of the house. It looked like any other farmhouse, with bits and pieces on the outside that didn’t match up due to add-ons as time went by. From this distance it didn’t look like it had a basement anywhere, but the codes were different then. Massive windows wouldn’t have been required, just small ones. Ones that could easily be boarded up and sealed.
“Come on, Abby.” Mason called over his shoulder, pulling me out of my zone. I trudged back to the house and threw my bag in the back of his truck. Mason met me by one of the corners by the house. “Ready?”
I nodded and started walking slowly along the edge of the house. Cracks marred part of the foundation, moving in a spider web pattern up to the siding. I took another step and the world rushed by me. Air flew over me as I fell and my body hit the ground.
“Aw fuck!” I sat up and flexed my fingers and wrists to make sure nothing broke. Stretched my arms and then slowly stood and looked up. I was going to feel the bruises tomorrow, but right now I was happy that nothing was broken from the eight foot fall.
“Abby?” Mason’s voice called down the small hole I’d made. “You okay?”
“Nothing’s broken, but toss me a flash light and watch your step.” I called back up. The stream of sunlight that came through the hole barely touched anything where I was. I batted dirt off my body, hoping no creepy crawler had decided to stick to me. I heard him calling out to people above me.
“Help’s on the way. Flash light coming down.” Mason dropped a flashlight in the hole. It landed with a thunk by my foot and I bent down to pick it up. I clicked it on and swallowed a scream.

Author Bio:
A.L. Kessler is a paranormal romance author residing in beautiful Colorado Springs, Co. Since she was a teenager she has loved spinning tales. She can easily be won over with gifts of coffee or chocolate.

