I'm already thinking about the new year and what I want to do in it. One of my biggest goals is to read more friggen books! I haven't done too shabby this year, but it could have been much much better! So this year I'm scouring the interwebs trying to find some fun challenges (that I know I'll do!) and thinking about my goals.
So far I've come up with a few ideas for myself.
So here goes:
- I will aim to read at least one book a week. (so a total of 52 books)
- I want to read at least 5 classic novels (will make a list of my TBR)
- I want to participate in one 24 hour readathon
- I want to interact with more bookish folk and chat about more books, so maybe join an online book club (got any recommendations let me know!)
- Blog-wise I want to post more and more frequently. I recognize I don't always do well with a schedule and I have severe book ADD so my "weekly TBR" posts don't always jive with what my mind wants to do.
- I want to try new genres and explore different styles of writing.