Well I got some reading done last night and yesterday, but by 10pm (when I got off work) I was zonked. So I crashed. I am going to spend the rest of today finishing up Blue Bells and writing my review for tomorrow's blog tour! After that I will move on probably to Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet since I've read good things about it!
So for the record:
- Sept 20-Blue Bells of Scotland-1 hour-55 pages
- Sept. 21-finished Blue Bells and started on Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet-2 hours-137 pages
- Sept 22-Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet-40 pages (bad night for reading)-30 mins *day 3 was pretty bad for reading. very busy at work and not enough extra time*
- Sept. 23-Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet-read 100 pages
- sept. 24-finished Hotel -Finished Half Empty-225 about 4 hours of reading time today!!!
- Sept.25-Reading some of the Historian (for challenge)
- Sept. 26th-Reading the Historian (challenge) and finishing Black Rain
Hi there! I'm your newest follower from the Thursday blog hop. Lovely BLog!! You can find me at www.bouffeebambini.blogspot.com