Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Rather Personal Post

I don't usually post super personal stuff on my blog. I try to keep things light and fluffy and tralalala kind of, but I could not help but share this and explain why this left me almost sobbing..okay actually sobbing.

Christmas time always makes me both sad and happy. Happy, because well my son gets so excited and anyone with kids (or is around kids) at this time of the year knows that their excitement is super contagious.  I get sad because this was my mother's favorite time of the year. She would go all out and decorate and prepare...I think she started preparing in January for Christmas. She's not with me anymore physically and I miss her. SO MUCH. She never got a chance to meet my son and that tears me up to think about it. So this song, this video that I just I stumbled upon had rivers of tears flowing. I love it. I know it's corny and cheesy, but it basically summed up what she would have wanted from her family. I just needed a reminder....

Merry Christmas Mommy.


  1. *Big Hugs* Christmas is the worst time of year for me too. I'm sure she is watching over you and your son and is very proud. Have a lovely Christmas :-)

  2. Wow! Thank you for sharing that video, I absolutely loved it!

  3. I lost my mother eight years ago and it's amazing how things can hit me and I end up missing her. I missed her on my wedding and she will not be here when I have a child one day. So I know how you feel, my friend. Merry Christmas to you as well, I've got you in my thoughts.

  4. I had no idea you had lost your mom, Melissa, until I saw this photo that you posted on Facebook. I'm so sorry that you don't have your dear mom anymore. She sounds like she would have been a kindred spirit with me what with her great love of Christmas. I know you miss her. Sending you lots of hugs and happy thoughts. =O)


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