Sunday, May 1, 2011

May Goals and April Woes..

So this is me as I start May! April was brutal! The ONLY good thing was my son's birthday on the 15th. The rest was blah. The lack of energy, the tornadoes, the lack of energy..did I mention the lack of energy? Anyways, here is what I managed to do for April.

  1. Kat, Incorrigible by Stephanie Burgis
  2. The Dead Tossed Waves-Carrie Ryan
  3. Numbers: The Chaos-Rachel Ward
Yeah pitiful, right? At least I got three of them read! The awesome thing was that I loved ALL of them! Those are some good books right there!

Now onto May. My goal is 15 books both bound and ebooks. That would get me close to caught up with my 110 goal for the year. I'm taking down the rest of my challenges and just focusing on that one. So come on May, bring it on! You can't be any worse that April! Grrrr...

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