I always start the week off with Bookish Plans, and lately it seems that they always fall through. You've seen them if you've been here before, you know I crash and burn more often than I fly. Well not this week. This week is going to be about catching up. Instead of listing what I am going to do I'll just post a list of the books I need to read/review and HOPE they get read. How's that for aiming low?
So here is my list:
- *finish: The Bone Chamber-Robin Burcell-FINISHED (review will post on Feb. 24th)
- *finish: The Great Hunt-Robert Jordan
- She-Rain-Michael Cogdill-Read/review
- Stormrage-Richard A Knaak-read/review
There..IF and that's a big if..I finish half of that I'll be a happy toaster. I have reasons for being a slacker last week! I really really do! My husband started his new job and he works like fitty bajillion hours, so I've been on Mommy overtime PLUS I have been busy on a job (from home.) So when I have a break I'm usually sleeping.
But this is my second week of adjusting to the schedule, so I think I feel comfortable with it and can squeeze in some much needed reading time!
Good luck meeting your goals and adjusting to your new schedule!