Saturday, June 18, 2011

Spring Into Summer Read-a-Thon Day 2

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Hello ladies and gents! It's Saturday so that means it's day 2 of the read-a-thon! I'm going to aim for at least TWO books finished by the end of the day! I do have to work again but I don't have quite as much time on the clock as yesterday! Also I will try not to be as distracted as I was before and will try my best to avoid napping randomly lol.


8:30am-11:00am (work these two hours)
Book: Deadline (nook)
Starting Page: 54
Ending Page: 72
Notes: It was definitely slower this time at work. I was able to read a bit more. I have a free hour then three more of work then I'm done for the day! From 3pm-I go to bed I'm going to be nose in book! :)

Mini-Challenge (update #6)

Put two characters from different series together (romantically or otherwise) and describe why they would be good together.

My Response:
Main Character (unnamed in the series) from Day By Day Armageddon and Max from World War Z could team up to kick Zombie butt! I would totally read that book or see that movie!


Book: Deadline (nook)
Starting Page: 72
Ending Page: 92
Notes: Now I have to work from 12-3pm. I'll have my nook so if it's slow I'll read but I don't know how much I'll get in.
brunch! Muffin bread..*totally lost my muffin tin so I had to improvise!* and my nook :) (pardon my fat toes please*

12:00pm-3:00pm (working so probably not a lot of reading)
Book: Deadline (nook)
Starting Page: 92
Ending Page: 129
Notes: I had a lot of free time at work so I read more than I expected! Yay!

So Far...
Pages Read: 75
Books Read: 0

Mini-Challenge (update #8)
If you had bookshelves FULL of all of your favorite books, how would you organize them?
Well at the moment I don't have any system, but I do want to get it organized. I'll have my "regular" books organized by genre and alphabetical. My ARC's will have their own shelf and they would be organized by release DATE. I think that would make my life so much easier!

Mini-Challenge-Anagram (update #9)

Hi my name is apparently IS WELL-MADE CALLS
Book: Blood Red Road
Starting Page: 294
Ending Page: 333
Notes: Why is it when you get all hunkered down to read...have the actual time to get all cozy and read..Why is it that THAT is when people decide to call you? My Dad picked the moment I opened my book to call. Oh well I've got the rest of the afternoon :)

Mini-Challenge (update #10)
Tell me, what is the funniest/most inspiring thing you have read so far in the read-a-thon?
It's not really funny but it is rather inspiring the lengths that Saba will go to to rescue her twin brother, in Blood Red Road. She'll do almost anything to get him him INCLUDING fight in an arena!

Book: Blood Red Road
Starting Page: 333
Ending Page: 361
Notes: Just two more hours left til the end! It's near! :S

Book: Blood Red Road (almost finished!)
Starting Page: 361
Ending page:498
Book: Pride and Prejudice
Starting Page: 143
Ending Page: 151
Notes: I finished Blood Red Road

Ending Summary:
Pages Read Total: 454
Books Finished: 1


  1. You're doing great, but seeing your muffin bread makes me hungry! :)

  2. ahahahha! Well made calls! I love your anagram!

  3. Hi, I'm a new follower. I found you through the readathon linky.

    I need to buy Blood Red Road. I've heard that it's written phonetically, which sounds kind of neat.

    Off topic, but I love that picture of Damon Salvatore that you have on the sidebar :)



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