Tuesday, February 1, 2011

48 Hour Read-a-Thon This Weekend!

Wallace over at Unputdownables is hosting a read-a-thon this weekend (February 4th-6th.) I am so in! I love read-a-thons! So yeah, I'm totally there! Click the cute button ^ up there to go sign up and get all the rules and such!

Basically, you get a few books from your TBR pile and write a post about them. Read them. Join in with other people over on Twitter (#bookblogchat) and update your posts about your reading progress. Simple and fun!

My books are:
  1. A Lesson In Secrets
  2. The Moorland Cottage
  3. The Tudor Secret
I have work this weekend, but I will read as much as I can! Look for the starting line post on Friday!


  1. Fantastic! Glad you're joining... hope you get lots of reading done. :)

  2. Good luck with all the reading!

  3. The Tudor Secret sounds pretty good. I'm a sucker for anything that's Tudor related.

    Good luck with the read-a-thon.


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