Friday, February 4, 2011

48 Hour Read-a-Thon Starting Line

It it 8:00a.m. (cst) now and I'm off work today, so I'm starting my "thon" officially! I am going to just be a book slut and read what I want out of my pile for February. Sooo..that list I posted before. Fuhgettaboutit. So with that note, let the fun times begin!

Oh and don't forget, we'll be chatting on Twitter using #bookblogchat so click the button and join in! You know you wanna....

Starting book:

pg. 79-FINISHED 12:30pm total pages read: 266
Second book:

starting at 1:00pm-Ended at ?? -Husband called out of the blue and said "Hey let's go out for dinner!"
So the time from oh say 2pm til I fell asleep was spent with family. It was awesome, cold but awesome! I'll restart The Tudor Secret tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. Love it! Way to just pick books for fun... I imagine you'll get loads more read this way! ;)


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