Loyalty and honor. A Highland warrior prizes both more than life, and when he swears his oath on the dirk, he must obey or die. Duncan Cameron heeds his chief’s order without question, but discovers his wife-to-be is no fair maiden. Although women are no longer trained in the art of fighting, Rory MacGregor follows in the footsteps of her Celtic ancestors. Secrets from the past and superstitious folk endanger Rory and Duncan as much as Bonnie Prince Charlie and his uprising to win back the British throne for his father. Rory and Duncan must make difficult choices that pit honor and duty against trust and love.
My review:
This book is long but doesn't feel that way. You really slip into the story and find yourself getting to know Rory and Duncan from the start. There is a familiar Romeo and Juliett kinda feeling to this novel, but it's not cliched or overly dramatic. I loved how Rory was fiercly independent and ready and willing to do whatever it took to help her people! She is such a strong character and was well written by Vallar. I loved the book from start to finish. The ONLY grump I could come up with is that it took me a while to get used to the Scottish dialect that's peppered throughout the novel. Even the dialect didn't keep me from enjoying myself.
My Rating: 4/5

Thanks, Melissa, for reviewing my book. I'm so glad you enjoyed it. -- Cindy