Thursday, February 27, 2025

I'm Sick, Let's Readathon!


Lookit my sweet banner making skills! 

So my weekend plans have been derailed by the ick. I'm feeling like absolute shite so I am taking the weekend off and spending it as a loaf on my sofa/bed. I'm rather bummed as this means that my son won't be visiting (don't want to infect him), so I've decided to make the best of it and do a lil readathon thing. 

I'm starting on Friday morning, probably around 8am CST and ending on Saturday night (probably around midnightish). I don't have work until later on Sunday so I might carry over but I'm going to run a timer and try hard to reach 24 total hours of reading. 

I have a stack for my TBR:

  • Finish up Iron Flame
  • Start Onyx Storm
  • I Am Made of Death
  • Murderland
I have plenty of snacks as I was planning on having the kiddo over, so I will be comfort eating as I read. 

You can join me if you want! 

1st Update:
I'm still reading Iron Flame. Today has been rough. I woke up feeling worse than ever so I've just been ugh...I took a long nap mid-day and have basically been a slug otherwise. 
If this isn't enough proof of how it's going I started today at 25% in the book and as of now I'm only at 35% as of 3pm. I'm still going though. 

I have been reading more today but I am still sick (duh) so I'm extending this readathon until tomorrow afternoon :)

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