Saturday, January 11, 2025

Readathon Updates With Snow Pictures! FINISHED


Welp, I woke up later than I wanted to so I didn't get started at 7am BUT I am sitting here ready to start at 8am. I had my alarm set for 6:30 am so I could get up and get my morning stuff done before I started, but I might have hit snooze whilst still asleep or something. (I worked last night until Midnight then had to do a few things before I could go to bed) I don't know. But I am awake, coffee made, book chosen and heating blankie initiated. 

Oh and this is what the outside looks like today:

Which is the reason for the heating blankie. Anyways, I will update this is chunks, perhaps every 4 hours or so? We shall see. 

1st Book

First Block 
Starting Page: 45
Ending Page: 120 pages 
Snack/Beverage: Coffee and water. Oatmeal and toast. 
Time Started: 8am CST
Time Ended: 12pm CST 

Second Block

Starting Page: 165
Ending Page: 209
Snack/Beverage: Grilled cheese sandwich and noodles. 
Time started: 12:30pm
Time Ended: 3:30pm
NOTE: I ended up taking a little nap in the middle of this block. 

Third Block-Still Reading Death's End

Starting Page: 209
Ending Page: 319
Snack/Beverage: Water, burger
Time started: 4:00pm
Time Ended: 8:00pm
Note: I am really enjoying this book. I'm still reading Death's End. 

Fourth Block

Starting Page: 319
Ending Page: 387
Snack/Beverage: Chips 
Time started: 8:30pm
Time Ended: ??
Note: Okay, so I flubbed this one super hard. I had such good intentions. I laid back and had my heating blanket on, my doggo gave me some snuggles and all was right in the world. Then I closed my eyes and..well that was that! 

I am going to continue reading until I have to get up and do things this afternoon. 

So all in all, I read about 342 pages. I didn't finish my book, but I am pleased. I think next read-a-thon I might focus on shorter books because while I am thoroughly enjoying Death's End, it's a chonker. 

Here's a cute pic to end this post

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