Saturday, March 29, 2014

April and Other Stuffs

Hey guys! Been a while since I've updated this with personal stuffs, but I wanted to let you know what was coming up on MRF in April and beyond! (Makes it sound SOOO much more spectacular!)

Anyhoozles, in April I won't be having a SLEW of posts like it's been lately. I'm participating in Camp NaNo! So I will be a writing machine! I have my story already my head but that counts right? I've got a few chapters started but need to flesh out some deets that my hubby noticed needed more ..erm flesh. So there's that!

This will be me all April long! 

However, there will be updates. There will be a smattering of posts for blog tours, etc and I'm also going to be reading Madam Bovary, which may or may not be my undoing. (Click the button to find more info about the read-a-long)

So other than this it's work as usual. Most of my shows are going to be done or close to over for the season (SOB!) so I'll have nothing really cray cray to distract me from my reading and writing. Have you got a plan for April?

I had to..I'm sorry. lol

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