Yes, yes, I know it's like the 4th day of November, so this is a little late...I have been BUSY though! Some important shizz happens in November, you guys! My husband's b'day was the 1st. My b'day in on the 11th and my Sis has her's on the 18th. Lots of being born occurred in this month!
I'm also experiencing a little change in my work life. I've added a client to my list (
Lola White). I'm handling her social media and promo type stuffs. (She's awesomeballs so you should check her out if you like all things sexy and steamy!)
Another key thing going on is I've got an interview (actually 2 but for the same company) coming up for an awesome job! I'm hoping to get a job at the same company (but different location) as my husband. This would be a great new experience and wonderful for our bank accounts, so fingers crossed!
TBH, I've been slacking on blogging and reading since Dewey's. I've been stupid busy and with the changing weather actually feeling a little "blah." I'm hoping to fix this in November, so I'm gonna do this listy thing.
To Read in November:
- The Shadow Rising (Currently Reading)
**Added 11/20**
So I had this loooong ass list for November, but with the new job and my clients I've barely been able to get much reading in. Oh yeah, and there's school too! So I cut the list down to my one book I'm currently reading :( boo!